The Retirement Thread

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Started young, and still going.
Good afternoon all, a scorching 20° here. Walked down the Water of Leith to the Botanics. The Botanics were looking amazing. Caught the bus home. I understand the Festival starts next week but on the bright side the schools to back in two weeks.

24 deg here :heat: . Its a tad warm.

Its touched 32⁰c this afternoon. I managed a quick 10 miles before submitting and went home via the pub for a cold beer.🍺

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Its touched 32⁰c this afternoon. I managed a quick 10 miles before submitting and went home via the pub for a cold beer.🍺

Phew. It reached 27 deg in my house. Thank god we only have to put up with it for 1 more day
You are right , insurance doesn't cover teeth for pets. I am considering not renewing insurance for Molly and take a chance as she is very healthy. After all, years ago, nobody bothered about pet insurance did they?

WHen I had my dog - many years ago - I only had the insurance in case she caused an accident or something

The medical stuff was not relevant as the costs were much lower

Funny that the prices for things like an x-rey seem to have gone up a lot since insurance became normal!

mine had a dodgy hip (ALsatian - so a known problem) and had an x-ray - I do not remember it being a major expense
the vet also said that she could have surgery to fix it but it was expensive and could only be done in Birmingham

I opted not to as she could walk and run just fine (just show her a squirrel and she was off!) and only had problem going uphill (but could still manage stairs!)

she lived quite happily for another 7 ro 8 years!
nowadays the operation would be far more easy to get but no more essential

Anyway - best wished to Molly!
Right - just got back from the hospital
nothing urgent - probably - juts needed to discuss a result from a blood test

anyway - turned out to be a damn close call

my wife was not feeling too good so didn;t come with me
and on the way out I noticed a stall in the main entrance selling handbags!!!
Whooo - close call there
she used to work in the hospital and she could never walk past that stall!!!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
My granddaughter has written quite a few poems while she was doing her degree. She is thinking of sending some to a publisher and if they don't publish them she may well go down the self publishing route. If she does that though she won't be able to use any of them for her masters as it would be counted as plagiarism even though they are her own work.


Went for my annual health review today. All the bloods came back with normal readings. All is good.

Unbeknown to me at 70 one is offered a shingles jab. I said yes so had the first one today and will have a second in January.

It's knocked me for six in the last hour. Aching from head to toe and feel like shite.


Fitted some tyres to the Brompton, fitted the rear wheel and I heard hissssss, I’d bloody nipped the tube, so out again and they’re not the easiest wheel to remove.






For some strange reason I have just purchased a valve core remover.
I've never had one, never knowingly needed one. It will sit in my toolbox with all the other bike related bits and Bobs. .£2.99 from fleabay.
I use one before every ride. The cores on my tubeless valves are prone to unscrewing when I unscrew the track pump adaptor. I just nip the valve up before inflating and the problem is solved.
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For some strange reason I have just purchased a valve core remover.
I've never had one, never knowingly needed one. It will sit in my toolbox with all the other bike related bits and Bobs. .£2.99 from fleabay.

I find them useful
I have had one leaky tube that was fixed by replacing the valve

I also use sealant in the tube to guard against punctures - you need to remove the valve to pump the goo in.
I also try to replace the stuff every year or two as it seems to "go off" after a while

SOmehow I ended up with 3 of them - 2 are metal and also have bits to clear out the outer and inner threads
which I use sometimes - but only so I can say I have used them
I have no idea what they came with - 2 are metal with the tread thingies and one is like a small screwdriver in shape
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