The Retirement Thread

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Good morning. Wall to wall sunshine and +/- 20⁰. Perfect weather. Small person is coming today. We may go to see the crias, one was born just 3 weeks ago on my birthday, but I'm having trouble contacting their owner.

On telly last night I glimpsed an advert for a product called Allevia. Apparently it's a cure for rhinorrhea or rhinitis. Ridiculous! Really? Personally I use a tissue.

Yes, Paul has learned some new words.......🤣


Legendary Member
Morning. I was up and out by 6am for a pleasant walk. One of the local trails that was a bit overgrown was strimmed yesterday so went along it. Much better, although it will no doubt sprout up again.

I noticed they are having to water the potatoes so we have not really had that much rain. Shame it’s to start next week when my old neighbours are coming up for a few days.


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all.
Another hot day in the offing today.
I'll be out for a short while on the bike later on, got to keep the legs ticking over.
I'm meeting my son later, there is a new 5 Guys burger place opened over the weekend locally and he wants to try it, plus he's going off road biking this evening with a mate of his this evening.
Sainsbury's are delivering the weekly goodies this morning, mostly fruit this week and a few cleaning products.
Enjoy your day everyone..


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

What to do today?
Think I might hop on the steam train to Bishops Lydiard, have a wander around the old Mill and then lunch in the Bird in Hand.


What a problem. 😱😱😱

Put my eggs on to boil but forgot to set the timer. 3:30 from boiling point delivers the perfect egg.

Hmm? What to do? 🤔 I mean this is a problem. Admittedly a First World problem but a problem none the less.

Girding my loins, I fished out the eggs, cooled them under the cold tap. I sat down with no small degree of trepidation. Crack, off came the top and bright yellow yolk oozed down the egg cup side. Perfect!!

Yes, the sun does shine on the righteous.
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So - the kitchen is now out of action as the people are in to "do it up" - new worktops, cupboard fronts, sink, over and hob
plus ceiling and all tiles

so - naturally we had to clear everythign out last night - no time to do absolutely everything so we had to prioritise

so - naturally - the MOST important things were to wipe down the worktops so they were clean - and scrub the sink and drainer with bleach to make it clean
both of which are not covered in dust and rubble from them getting the tiles off

I don;t understand women!!


Legendary Member
Just back from the vets with Molly as I suspected her teeth were looking a bit iffy again. She needs one extraction and a clean and scale so at least £535 or slightly more if any of the others look suspect when they have a proper look under anaesthetic. I love her to bits though and won’t have her living with a sore mouth so it’s got to be done.

A week on Thursday for her op.
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