The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Good morning all, cool and cloudy here. This is easily the best spell of weather we’ve had all year, the weekend was dry and mostly sunny and the forecast is for more of the same all week, consistent highs of 20°. Our neighbours returned from a few days in London yesterday, saying how exhausting the heat was down there.

I am so glad I don’t live any further south. I find central Scotland is mostly ideal….not too hot and not too cold in winter either.


Leg End Member
Don't want to be negative on here but tbh things aren't looking good.
My MRI scan has been put back as they don't have a slot.
I want to thank everyone for all the kind words........ even if they do make me cry :rolleyes:
Don't have a slot!!
Are you sure they're doing it right. I went through the hole,* not slot, in the centre of the machine every time.

*Kinda like the hole in a rather large, noisy doughnut.


Legendary Member
Currently at the garden centre cafe, a convenient 10 minute walk from home, because I can't be arsed to make lunch.
Don't want to be negative on here but tbh things aren't looking good.
My MRI scan has been put back as they don't have a slot.
I want to thank everyone for all the kind words........ even if they do make me cry :rolleyes:

normally if they think it is urgent then they will move the queue around
so it being delayed may not be too bad

sending hugs anyway



Don't want to be negative on here but tbh things aren't looking good.
My MRI scan has been put back as they don't have a slot.
I want to thank everyone for all the kind words........ even if they do make me cry :rolleyes:
I'm sure no one in here would consider anything you want to share as negative. Honest, straightforward? Yes. Negative? No

On the slot thing. In my experience with the NHS, which is more extensive than is good for me, when it's urgent they find a slot. Pretty Damn Quick.


It's a worry. I was meeting a friend at a cafe today. I was in Preston earlier. Ah! I thought, I'll whiz down the M6 and jump off at J27.

I was listening to a very interesting programme on policing demonstrations. Apparently the Met have "lost" 45,000 police hours to this in 2024. Anyway.

Glanced at the clock. 11.20. This is taking a long time. Where am I? Next big blue sign was J23.

I was late.
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