The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
We had pizza for lunch.

25 deg here :heat:

Enjoyed the mountain biking. Pidcock nicked the gold after puncturing. Amazing.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
The climbing was cancelled for $reasons - I suspect the grand daughter was upset - but we were not there to see

anyway - as it is school holidays we will try to take her tomorrow!

Anyway - instead I went for a ride
which was good - forgot to take a drink so HAD to stop at a cafe which happened to sell really nice Ice Cream!!!

one annoying thing
just a few miles in I was riding along a tow path on the canal in Runcorn
There was a man - about 50 ish - walking in front of my and in the same direction

I rode up normally and slowed and rang my bell - as usual
zero reaction - which is not unknown - so I slowed more and said "Excuse me please"

he moved aside and said "Oh sorry"

as I passed him I noticed he was looking at by bike and as I got just past him he said
"I notice that you DO have a bell on your bike" - in a critical manner

I am 99.9% certain he was not saying "well done for having a proper warning device"
but was criticising me for not using it

which I had done - and it is not a quiet bell of one that just gives a single brief ding

almost wish I had stopped and said I noticed he had ears on his head

I was muttering under mu breat for ages after that!!!

Get that sort of stupidity about the bell fairly frequently. I follow a similar routine to you. I just conclude: deaf/earphones/stupid take your choice. Life is too short to get vexed about it 😊


Leg End Member
Yep...... Apparently it will be tomorrow or Wednesday.
Was it nill by mouth this morning, then they informed you it wasn't going to be today.
We have new neighbours

more specifically the road outside the small estate I live on has the estate on one side and a park on the other side
about 15-20 caravans - plus a load of builders type trucks - pick up sort of things - have appeared. I saw some of them arrive and they just drove up onto the grass by going over the kerb in the car park

by total coincidence - someone has been blasting a heavy sounding scrambler type motorbike around this evening

I have told the local counsel about it all and she has replied and said a local counsellor was walking their dog in the park when the caravans arrived and the appropriate people have been informed
etc etc
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