The Retirement Thread

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Think he'll have enough to worry about in the weeks leading up to it.
Provided he gets through tonight, without a visit to the woods at the bottom of his garden.

don;t say things like that or someone (and I know who!!!) will start on about cemeteries and bushes again!!!


Hello. I haven't opened the curtains yet. Rubbish sleep, again, thanks to the tractor driver who hit me. GRRRR. Left shoulder strained, left side ribs broken, right hand broken fingers, right knee still swollen - with that lot try finding a sleeping position that's comfortable. Laying on my back works but I get stiff, roll over and AAAGGGHHHH.

Today's excitment? Wound dressing. It will go like this. Nurse will peel off dressings with a sharp downward tug, Paul will visibly wince, nurse will joke "women pay a fortune for this you know." Paul will make feeble excuse. I now appreciate why some cyclists shave their legs and arms. I have considered shaving but decided the irritating stubble itch would be worse than the weekly depilation by the practice nurse. :laugh: :laugh:

I'm doing three outpatient follow up appointments a week at the moment. Yesterday was positive. The OT was able to measure a real improvement in my finger movements. I had thought there was no change. I'm pleased with this because finger stretching exercises every two hours are tedious. Good to know it's worthwhile.


Most of you know I'm a born and bred southerner living in Lancashire. I've never lost my accent. Once as we rode along a country lane chatting away we spotted a friend walking her dog. We stopped to say hello. Friend said "With that accent I knew it was you without turning round!!!!"

I say "baath" and the locals "bath." Small person lives in east Lancashire where the accent is more pronounced. I say "cold," she says "cowed." :laugh:

On Tuesday we talked about Elsa** It went like this:

Granddad: "Does Elsa live in a caaastle?"
SP: "castle!"
Granddad: "caaastle"
SP: "castle!"

I told her Mum about this who said "oh, yes she says caaastle but someone corrected her the other day." Apparently SP's parents blame me for her mixed accent!!! I was amused and interested that at 3½ she's happy and confident to correct her Granddad's language.

** Elsa is a fictional blonde multi-billion net worth doll.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hello. I haven't opened the curtains yet. Rubbish sleep, again, thanks to the tractor driver who hit me. GRRRR. Left shoulder strained, left side ribs broken, right hand broken fingers, right knee still swollen - with that lot try finding a sleeping position that's comfortable. Laying on my back works but I get stiff, roll over and AAAGGGHHHH.

Today's excitment? Wound dressing. It will go like this. Nurse will peel off dressings with a sharp downward tug, Paul will visibly wince, nurse will joke "women pay a fortune for this you know." Paul will make feeble excuse. I now appreciate why some cyclists shave their legs and arms. I have considered shaving but decided the irritating stubble itch would be worse than the weekly depilation by the practice nurse. :laugh: :laugh:

I'm doing three outpatient follow up appointments a week at the moment. Yesterday was positive. The OT was able to measure a real improvement in my finger movements. I had thought there was no change. I'm pleased with this because finger stretching exercises every two hours are tedious. Good to know it's worthwhile.

Sounds painful Paul. :cheers:


Legendary Member
Morning all.
A decent sleep but for some reason had to get up 3 times for a pee (suppose its better than not getting up).
Very little to do today apart from a shave.
Oh, it's my regular Thursday lunch time drink.
And it's bin day off some colour. Must check which one.
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If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Pottering around the house and garden today. Nothing planned.
Had a nice time at the Dunster Country Fayre yesterday and found out that I'd lost none of my archery skills, despite not having shot a bow for 53 year. 6 arrows - 6 golds. How good was that?!
Hello. I haven't opened the curtains yet. Rubbish sleep, again, thanks to the tractor driver who hit me. GRRRR. Left shoulder strained, left side ribs broken, right hand broken fingers, right knee still swollen - with that lot try finding a sleeping position that's comfortable. Laying on my back works but I get stiff, roll over and AAAGGGHHHH.

Today's excitment? Wound dressing. It will go like this. Nurse will peel off dressings with a sharp downward tug, Paul will visibly wince, nurse will joke "women pay a fortune for this you know." Paul will make feeble excuse. I now appreciate why some cyclists shave their legs and arms. I have considered shaving but decided the irritating stubble itch would be worse than the weekly depilation by the practice nurse. :laugh: :laugh:

I'm doing three outpatient follow up appointments a week at the moment. Yesterday was positive. The OT was able to measure a real improvement in my finger movements. I had thought there was no change. I'm pleased with this because finger stretching exercises every two hours are tedious. Good to know it's worthwhile.

Hope you recover soon.
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