The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Hello, people. A little grey and cool but I think the sun will appear and the day will be glorious. Quite a schedule today; u3a committee meeting, short IT training session, hospital OT appointment and then a meeting with my son's care providers. Busy, busy, busy. Phew!

I have decided to tell a short story. I could make it long. In the early part of '23 I was feeling more and more tired, irritable and grumpy. You know I left for a year or so. Aspects of CC, not this thread, wound me up. Every day I'd be annoyed by some posters. Stupid. It's the internet. This wasn't confined to CC but every area of my life. In short I was unhappy, not depressed but unhappy. Over several months and with the help of a strong friend I learned what made me unhappy. In the last 12 months I have dumped from my life everything which contributed to those feelings. Today, I concentrate on me, my family and friends. I'm back here because I enjoy this thread. It contributes to my life, I've junked everything that doesn't contribute positively to my life.

It's been cathartic. I understand what I want from the next, hopefully, 25-30 years and no bugger is going to get in the way! There. More catharsis. :laugh:

Due to circumstances here, I have also dropped a couple of people from my life. One was someone who continually moaned and had anger management problems, the sort of person who, when speaking to you, had to carefully watch every single word. I feel much better for it. He has not checked in with me since I broke off contact, which tells you something about the person. Sometimes, I think it does you good to have a clearout in many aspects of life.


Early Retirement Planning
No, I am on my own now. I just have to make sure I keep eating. Sounds simple but I ate absolutely nothing for 3 weeks before going in.
Cannot recall the last cup of tea I had.
Yesterday I ate 3 meals......all small portions but I kept them all down which, again, is a 1st.

Glad your feeling better, have they not suggested a vitamin/mineral supplement. My diet is poor, don't really eat veg although I do like my fruit, so I've taken a multi vit & mineral tablet for years to keep me topped up. Can suggest a good one if you're interested.


Legendary Member
Glad your feeling better, have they not suggested a vitamin/mineral supplement. My diet is poor, don't really eat veg although I do like my fruit, so I've taken a multi vit & mineral tablet for years to keep me topped up. Can suggest a good one if you're interested.

Was about to suggest the same. Some of these tonic supplements definitely seem to improve appetite I think.
Dave - I knew someone who didn;t eat much - he found that have 6 small meals a day helped him - might be worth trying

Might also me worth asking the GP if there is a diet expert or something that you could talk to
the GP should come up with it - but sometimes it is best to just ask - you would need an appointment just sedn them a note and ask and my lot would probably get the receptionist to ring back.
anyway - glad you are home
look after yourself!


Legendary Member
Glad your feeling better, have they not suggested a vitamin/mineral supplement. My diet is poor, don't really eat veg although I do like my fruit, so I've taken a multi vit & mineral tablet for years to keep me topped up. Can suggest a good one if you're interested.

I was on 4 drips for 4 vitamins I was low on......the most dangerous (level wise) was phosphate. I was on that 24/7 for 2 days then they switched that to tablets.
When I asked about some to take ho.e he said "you don't need them as your levels are fine".
The only things I was still short of is Magnesium and he gave me a supply of that.
I also have the multi Fortisip.
If I can eat properly and keep the alcohol under control then all should be good.
But by all means recommend those vitamins as I won't discount anything.


Early Retirement Planning
I was on 4 drips for 4 vitamins I was low on......the most dangerous (level wise) was phosphate. I was on that 24/7 for 2 days then they switched that to tablets.
When I asked about some to take ho.e he said "you don't need them as your levels are fine".
The only things I was still short of is Magnesium and he gave me a supply of that.
I also have the multi Fortisip.
If I can eat properly and keep the alcohol under control then all should be good.
But by all means recommend those vitamins as I won't discount anything.
Good to hear. I use Zipvit, they do various ranges and are quite reasonable, especially if you buy a years supply (my wife and I both use them so it only last us for 6 months). We use the A-Z range (link below) but they do others, even more age specific. It's worth looking at the list of what's in them as one may be more suitable. I also take extra magnesium and others, mainly as I say because my diet is so poor, although I'm teetotal so the alcohol isn't an issue for me, but I do drink too much soda type drinks, cola especially. Could do to lose a stone or so but I do like my snacks, I'm unfortunately a crisp-a-holic, can easily get through several packets a day.
Keep fighting and hope the family can help you along.


Legendary Member
Good to hear. I use Zipvit, they do various ranges and are quite reasonable, especially if you buy a years supply (my wife and I both use them so it only last us for 6 months). We use the A-Z range (link below) but they do others, even more age specific. It's worth looking at the list of what's in them as one may be more suitable. I also take extra magnesium and others, mainly as I say because my diet is so poor, although I'm teetotal so the alcohol isn't an issue for me, but I do drink too much soda type drinks, cola especially. Could do to lose a stone or so but I do like my snacks, I'm unfortunately a crisp-a-holic, can easily get through several packets a day.
Keep fighting and hope the family can help you along.

Just enquired and while they are good I am advised to stick to Fortisip at the moment.
Thank you.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Hello, people. A little grey and cool but I think the sun will appear and the day will be glorious. Quite a schedule today; u3a committee meeting, short IT training session, hospital OT appointment and then a meeting with my son's care providers. Busy, busy, busy. Phew!

I have decided to tell a short story. I could make it long. In the early part of '23 I was feeling more and more tired, irritable and grumpy. You know I left for a year or so. Aspects of CC, not this thread, wound me up. Every day I'd be annoyed by some posters. Stupid. It's the internet. This wasn't confined to CC but every area of my life. In short I was unhappy, not depressed but unhappy. Over several months and with the help of a strong friend I learned what made me unhappy. In the last 12 months I have dumped from my life everything which contributed to those feelings. Today, I concentrate on me, my family and friends. I'm back here because I enjoy this thread. It contributes to my life, I've junked everything that doesn't contribute positively to my life.

It's been cathartic. I understand what I want from the next, hopefully, 25-30 years and no bugger is going to get in the way! There. More catharsis. :laugh:

Good post to read - very positive!
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