The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member


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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
4 miles away from me? Sad to say I've never seen a UFO.

I saw 2 on holiday a while ago and one when walking the dog many years ago

First - with the dog walking on a beach near Liverpool late evening
I saw a woman ahead looking out to see so I looked and saw a light in the sky - below the clouds
just hanging there - no movement but high up
then it went
then a bit later it re-appeared - just hanging there
the it came towards up and went directly overhead and past us
TOTALLY silently

the other 2 were near Cardigan in South Wales
a red light was just floating down the river - maybe a 100 foot up - maybe 2-300 - but moving steadily down river
The a few days later another one - or was it te same one - appeared out at sea - this one was much higher up and moving out to sea

but slowly and in all cases absolutely silent


forward a bit

on the beach with the dog

the light carried on and went inland and after a while we heard it
it was a plane - heading for Liverpool airport
the front light was the light we saw but as it was coming right at us the light appeared stationary
it dissappeared because the airport sent it on a circuit to wait
then it came back
the wind up high was blowing the sound away from us so even when it was right over us it could not be heard

The red lights - chinese lanterns sent up from the camp site was were on - first one had the wind from offshor to onshore so it wandered down the river
second one had a different wind so went offshore

so not Aliens - just physics

BTW - the second lantern resulted in the Lifeboat being called out - we heard the crew arriving but didn;t realise what it was at the time - but a red light out at sea was assumed to be a distress flare so they had to go out

so don;t do that!

no explanation - in both case no sound whatsoever
Oh - and came on here to say I am annoyed

over the winter my garden leaf blower/vacuum was left in the shed
Unfortunatly it looks like some mice got in there and chewed the bag to bits - pretty useless

a new bag is around £70 - for which I can get a whole new machine of a cheaper brand for less than that

anyway - I found one on Gumtree - used but OK and only £20 plus postage
so I contacted the seller and he said I could have it - he was checking out postage and would get back to me
nothing yesterday
today he comes back and says sorry - been sold on another platform!!

Not in the graveyard, surely!

This is getting as bad as Drago's thread!!!!!!
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