The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Mo, you do realise it is not morning yet, never seen you around at this time of night before.

I’m usually telly watching in the evenings. I try to get to bed by 11 most nights.


Hopefully numbnuts is okay as well.

Very true . It’s always worrying when a regular goes quiet for a few pages. 😀

To be honest I still miss Dave R imput to this thread too .☹️


Legendary Member
Morning all.
Todays installment.
As normal I just got off to sleep when I was woken for heart and blood pressure.
02.15 the neighbour from hell came and into the bed opposite. Shouting and screaming.......demanding beer NOW.....NOT NEXT F*CKIng WEEK.adamant there was some in the fridge and if not they had to go to the shop.
That was the end of my sleep till 0600 until of course 30 minutes later they woke me to put another drip on.
They have taken me off the main potassium drip and replaced that with soluble tablet..... most disgusting but at least I am free of the 24 hour drip.
Have a good day all..
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