The Retirement Thread

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Well met office says it will be chucking it down later on today

weather radar seems to show it missing us to the West

BBC weather is promising thunder and lightning

bound to rain as I have arranged to borrow the hedge trimmer back (it is ours) when I pick the grand daughter up later
was planning to trim the front bush tomorrow or this evening

which sounds almost as dodgy as "I'm meeting Vicky at the cemetery at 10 o'clock" as I said to my wife yesterday

still - she knows what I mean!!!


Leg End Member
Not sure. Maybe down to equipment? Some will be bikes on trainers with a power meter and others might be on smart bikes, etc. Just a bit of fun anyway.

Had a soak in the bath and now have the pjs on already :laugh:
Suppose you need/get the urge to go back out. You're not one of these that'll go out in pyjamas are you?


Leg End Member
Well met office says it will be chucking it down later on today

weather radar seems to show it missing us to the West

BBC weather is promising thunder and lightning

bound to rain as I have arranged to borrow the hedge trimmer back (it is ours) when I pick the grand daughter up later
was planning to trim the front bush tomorrow or this evening

which sounds almost as dodgy as "I'm meeting Vicky at the cemetery at 10 o'clock" as I said to my wife yesterday

still - she knows what I mean!!!
Light showers around 1600-1700 hrs. Might lead to heavier rain in exposed parts later on.

Did the BBC say anything about the four horsemen putting in an appearance?


Leg End Member
Next train to Huddersfield is two carriages only, due to short platforms at Huddersfield, causing problems* for trains longer than three carriages, passengers are being advised to travel in the front carriage.

*You may not have a roof over your head basically. Bad news if it were chucking it down, but today!


Legendary Member
Well met office says it will be chucking it down later on today

weather radar seems to show it missing us to the West

BBC weather is promising thunder and lightning

bound to rain as I have arranged to borrow the hedge trimmer back (it is ours) when I pick the grand daughter up later
was planning to trim the front bush tomorrow or this evening

which sounds almost as dodgy as "I'm meeting Vicky at the cemetery at 10 o'clock" as I said to my wife yesterday

still - she knows what I mean!!!

Why don't you kill 2 birds with one stone and trim Vicky's Bush.
Just a thought.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
What's the sit-rep with you Dave? If you don't mind me asking.

Just realised I sound like @Drago there!

Steady on lad :laugh:


Legendary Member
What's the sit-rep with you Dave? If you don't mind me asking.

Just realised I sound like @Drago there!

Been thinking, as I sometimes do.
Does sit rep = situation report,?
Couple of improvements which you will be so thrilled to know :smile:
In recent weeks my urine had gone very dark yellow, almost brown. Today it was clear.......I was happy with that.
2nd is I am slowly starting to eat more and actually enjoy it. Still nowhere near enough but better.
Big test will be on Monday when I have a scan and an ultra sound as they are looking at intestinal and liver problems.
I will bore you whe I know more.
Oh.......they have just put me on a new drip so that's 4.
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