The Retirement Thread

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It was indeed.

Did someone leave the closet door open?


Leg End Member
Morning all.
Todays installment.
As normal I just got off to sleep when I was woken for heart and blood pressure.
02.15 the neighbour from hell came and into the bed opposite. Shouting and screaming.......demanding beer NOW.....NOT NEXT F*CKIng WEEK.adamant there was some in the fridge and if not they had to go to the shop.
That was the end of my sleep till 0600 until of course 30 minutes later they woke me to put another drip on.
They have taken me off the main potassium drip and replaced that with soluble tablet..... most disgusting but at least I am free of the 24 hour drip.
Have a good day all..
I'd a similar one who just couldn't get over a piece he'd read in an old Readers Digest. Kept repeating it to anyone that came near him. Terrible wind problems as well. Blankets could be seen moving every time.

Those tablets are not the best tasting things in the world. So here's to you not being on them for too long.
Hope you're doing as instructed earlier, doing what the nurses tell you.

Do you think your up to a visit from "That lady up the street"?


Legendary Member
My gob is smacked.
The Doc has just been to see me. Apparently all these drips have worked thier magic super quick and he wanted to send me home.
I said not until I have had the ultra scan and it shows my liver and intestines are ok. The potassium which was life threatening is now normal.
Looks like I will be home in a day or 2.
Again, i thank everyone for the support.


Leg End Member
My gob is smacked.
The Doc has just been to see me. Apparently all these drips have worked thier magic super quick and he wanted to send me home.
I said not until I have had the ultra scan and it shows my liver and intestines are ok. The potassium which was life threatening is now normal.
Looks like I will be home in a day or 2.
Again, i thank everyone for the support.
I know you were told to do what the nurses told you to do, but have you misunderstood which resulted in your gob being smacked?

Seldom discharge on a Sunday anyway. Chances are you'd be in while tomorrow, then maybe you can get to the off-licence for the person in the next bed.
Onwards and upwards...
Without another bed bath!


Leg End Member
Yeah still here, I've has a high temperature all day and still high now 01:48.
No idea as to what may be causing it?

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
My gob is smacked.
The Doc has just been to see me. Apparently all these drips have worked thier magic super quick and he wanted to send me home.
I said not until I have had the ultra scan and it shows my liver and intestines are ok. The potassium which was life threatening is now normal.
Looks like I will be home in a day or 2.
Again, i thank everyone for the support.

Hoorah. Good news Dave. :bravo:


Legendary Member
My gob is smacked.
The Doc has just been to see me. Apparently all these drips have worked thier magic super quick and he wanted to send me home.
I said not until I have had the ultra scan and it shows my liver and intestines are ok. The potassium which was life threatening is now normal.
Looks like I will be home in a day or 2.
Again, i thank everyone for the support.

Great news pal, it has had a lot of us worried about you.
My gob is smacked.
The Doc has just been to see me. Apparently all these drips have worked thier magic super quick and he wanted to send me home.
I said not until I have had the ultra scan and it shows my liver and intestines are ok. The potassium which was life threatening is now normal.
Looks like I will be home in a day or 2.
Again, i thank everyone for the support.

Good to hear the drips have worked
and that they are saying that you can be discharged !

Maybe ask if they have any idea why it was so low in the first places

maybe just need to eat more bananas
(but don;t mention them to "that lady!!!!")
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