The Retirement Thread

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Chief Broom

Morning folks :okay: enjoyed a hilly ride yesterday, one downhill section feels like bombing down a ski slope :laugh: i pedal like crazy [spin out] to keep momentum to climb as it rises again like a uphill ski slope- good fun :okay:
I do admire cyclist that look the biz ie good bike/kit and exude a vibe of experience/fitness though it does make me feel like a 'Bash street kid' :laugh: Anyhow i was cresting a rise when a oncoming cyclist whizzed past giving a nod as she went...poetry in motion! Fully loaded but she sure wasnt hanging about and had just dismissed the toughest hill like it was nothing and went past with a whir and a whoosh :ohmy:
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Legendary Member
I have risen!

Now Mrs D is off work for the summer I can finally rest my foot properly, so I'm planning to binge watch Yellowstone.


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Spent the might in Minehead - staying at our mates house after going to see a Pink Floyd tribute band at the Regal theatre.
Back to Watchet at 10am.

Night all, I am taking my much older brother to Cadwell park tomorrow to watch some motor racing.
My favourite circuit on the mainland - although I did have a big crash at Hall Bends on the sidecar in 1995. Still love the place.


Legendary Member
I have risen!

Now Mrs D is off work for the summer I can finally rest my foot properly, so I'm planning to binge watch Yellowstone.

My neighbours over the road recommended that to me. Might give it a try sometime. I have got so much to catch up on as it is. I still haven’t got round to watching Blue Lights yet either, but with the Olympics starting at the weekend that will take up most of my telly watching.

It’s muggy here and I was sweating just walking. Not sure I like summer much to be honest. If I had to put the seasons in order of my favourite it would be Spring, Autumn, Winter and Summer last.


If 6 Was 9
Hoping all goes well @Dave7
Keep us up to date if possible.
You do know how we all like a good gossip....


Legendary Member
1st things 1st. I want to thank e eryone for their kind words of really means a lot.
In a nutshell.
I took 6 hours to get onto the ward. Blinking eck they are shoving all sorts of medication into me..
Eventually got to bed by 11 and was immediately woken... it is like picadilly station
Had a crap night with 2 new arrivals (one with constant cough)
Just got to sleep and I was woken at 2 for heart and BP check.
Back to sleep when I was woken at 3 for another ECG
4 times I was woken while they changed the drip.
The 6.30 they woke me to take yet more blood.
I am drained
But alive 🙂


Legendary Member
1st things 1st. I want to thank e eryone for their kind words of really means a lot.
In a nutshell.
I took 6 hours to get onto the ward. Blinking eck they are shoving all sorts of medication into me..
Eventually got to bed by 11 and was immediately woken... it is like picadilly station
Had a crap night with 2 new arrivals (one with constant cough)
Just got to sleep and I was woken at 2 for heart and BP check.
Back to sleep when I was woken at 3 for another ECG
4 times I was woken while they changed the drip.
The 6.30 they woke me to take yet more blood.
I am drained
But alive 🙂

You don’t get much peace in hospitals that’s for sure. Hope they are getting to the bottom of what’s happening and you are home soon.


Good morning. It's summer in Lancashire till 1.00pm, then we return to winter. @Dave how are you today? Thinking of you and praying the news will be good. Don't lurk!

I am sat in bed with a bag of frozen peas..........on my lower, outer quad. Unusual for it to be tight and swollen in the morning. Left upper arm is stiff as well. Slept badly last night. The guy who hit me lives less than ¾ mile from my house. The temptation to bob round and bang on his door...........I reckon his impatience to gain 30 seconds is going to cost me at least three months of inactivity. Busy day yesterday; police prosecuting him for due care, PI claim went in, and consultant agreed with me.......three broken fingers on right hand and not just one!!! 🤣

#1 son is taking us out for lunch in Manchester. We're going to The Refuge on Oxford Street. This is part of my 70th birthday celebrations. We were booked two weeks ago but I was a little incapacitated.

Again, take care @Dave7

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
1st things 1st. I want to thank e eryone for their kind words of really means a lot.
In a nutshell.
I took 6 hours to get onto the ward. Blinking eck they are shoving all sorts of medication into me..
Eventually got to bed by 11 and was immediately woken... it is like picadilly station
Had a crap night with 2 new arrivals (one with constant cough)
Just got to sleep and I was woken at 2 for heart and BP check.
Back to sleep when I was woken at 3 for another ECG
4 times I was woken while they changed the drip.
The 6.30 they woke me to take yet more blood.
I am drained
But alive 🙂

Glad to hear from you Dave. :hello:
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