The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Morning all.
Nurse is here at 11.
It would appear that when I fell t'other day I have broken my big toe.....right at the main joint. It is very painful.
Done the same to mine a few times. And always the same foot.


Legendary Member
My wife was known as lavender Sue. She used it for everything.
At her funeral all the males wore lavender ties and everyone wore a sprig of lavender.
Oh.......we knew someone who imported top quality oils.

When we were in Hunstanton a couple of weeks ago we visited a lavender grower. I wasn’t aware there were so many different colours of Lavender.Wish I had taken a photo as it was beautiful display


Legendary Member
Bloody hell.....I am desperate to eat more.
Just had some toast with scrambled egg. Together with that 1/2 crumpet it's the most I've managed for 2 weeks.

I am extremely pleased to read that.


Evening all . Hope it’s warm enough for everyone 😀😀.

Not done much to day, just some washing and gardening , but I did get back out on my bike again .
It was only 15 miles but it’s a start and I am at least helping the profit margin at my favourite coffee shop ( the Caffeine Project ) .😂

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