The Retirement Thread

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67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Watching some junk TV here and planning tomorrow's bike ride as the weather is supposed to be ok.


Legendary Member
:hello: Morning


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all.
Myself and a couple of mates are off on a Railway trip we have wanted to do for a long while.
We are travelling from Kings Cross to Leeds, and then travelling over the Settle and Carlisle line, the highest in Britain. We are staying overnight in Carlisle and travelling back to Euston Thursday afternoon. The whole trip only cost £54 in fares, plus the hotel of course. I hope the weather is good or we might not see much of the scenery.


Good morning folks. Daughter and her chap arrived a bit later than expected. We had a catch up over nibbles and dips on the patio as it was a lovely sunny evening. Caught the highlights of the TdF so far, there was a section on the " Secret Squirrel Club" that was the name for the group under Chris Boardman that started the " marginal gains " methodology. We watched a documentary about Daley Thompson afterwards, a fascinating insight and quite detailed at almost two hours long.
Off for a ride on the Brommies this morning, daughter and her chap brought theirs in their camper van, added to our stable there's now seven Brommies scattered around the place.
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