The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
6pm and I have just sneezed it is alway about this time I feel unwell, just taken my temperature 101F
time to take two paracetamols and my night tablets and get my head down.


Legendary Member
In all seriousness, the female form is very alluring but, I prefer a bit of mystery.

My wife, to me, looks far more attractive and sexier when dressed in nice, age appropriate, clothing than some of these young girls wearing skirts that show their knickers off and tops with their boobs hanging out.

Maybe if I was 18 I would think differently?

TBH I'm too old to even look at any chick under 40.


Legendary Member
Just watched a film on Netflix called In the Land of Saints and Sinners with Liam Neeson. Quite enjoyable.
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