The Retirement Thread

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Good morning all, bright and sunny here. Some long awaited warmth is in the forecast, 19-20° showing for next few days.


Legendary Member
Check out the " YR " weather app. It's free and from the Norwegian Met Office which is almost as old as our Met office. Loads of setting to play with. 😎

That’s one of the ones I use :laugh:

My back is still a bit tender today so just a very leisurely riverside trail done. I think it eased off a bit as I walked so I will have another short one later.

I noticed a black cat tucked under a van on the street behind me and wondered if it was hurt but I could barely reach down to see and was hoping it was away when I got back but it was out and lying on the doorstep of the house and a big chunk of fur missing and looking quite poorly. Not sure if it’s back legs are broken or if there’s anything internal. The lady in the house came out and we got it wrapped in a blanket and she says she will take it round to the vets as soon as they open. It’s not her cat so good of her to do that. I was nearly in tears dealing with the poor thing. :sad:

Chief Broom

Morning folks :okay: wind and weather is good so think i'll have a spin over to Loch Fleet near Dornoch. Always something to see there and sometimes a surprise like an otter, sea eagle, peregrine and one time a hoopoe!


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Morning all .
All fine in sunny Coventry at the moment but rain is forecast later.
So we will be off down the sailing club in a min to get the boat unpacked .
Mrs exlaser was happy as she sailed , I was happy as the journey down to Maidenhead was uneventful, the weather was good and I got my glass of wine 😀.
Have a good day everyone and try and stay dry .

Mrs exlaser is in the green boat.

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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Bonjour. I have just finished digging up the grass and glad I will never have to do it again. Hard work. Next thing now is to put a border , lay down a membrane and cover it all with slates to match the other side. Oh, I also have a big pile of grass to get ride of.
We are going away to Cardiff on Wednesday so it can wait till we get back next Sunday.
The weather is fine so far but the clouds are gathering as we are expecting rain this afternoon.
Have a good day everybody.
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