The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Night all.


Good morning folks. A wet day is forecast but looking on the bright side it will wash my solar panels. ☀️
Daughter and her chap are arriving from Edinburgh tomorrow. They'll be busy catching up with friends and are both taking part in the " Cider Frolic " a running event held at a local cider farm. The route is all off road and over varied terrain and consists of running laps, as many or as few as you fancy within the time limit. Some people do a few laps and have a bit of a break before setting out again, the danger being if you're drinking cider between efforts it gets difficult to find the motivation to set off again🍏🍺😄.
Daughter will be taking part in the 12 hour event , her bloke is tackling the 24 hour.
Meanwhile it's 5:30 ish, I suppose Mo is setting off on one of her epic walks...


Legendary Member
Good morning folks. A wet day is forecast but looking on the bright side it will wash my solar panels. ☀️
Daughter and her chap are arriving from Edinburgh tomorrow. They'll be busy catching up with friends and are both taking part in the " Cider Frolic " a running event held at a local cider farm. The route is all off road and over varied terrain and consists of running laps, as many or as few as you fancy within the time limit. Some people do a few laps and have a bit of a break before setting out again, the danger being if you're drinking cider between efforts it gets difficult to find the motivation to set off again🍏🍺😄.
Daughter will be taking part in the 12 hour event , her bloke is tackling the 24 hour.
Meanwhile it's 5:30 ish, I suppose Mo is setting off on one of her epic walks...

Not yet, but shouldn’t be long. Cuppa and browse first. It’s overcast and misty at the moment. Looks like being a warm and humid day which doesn’t agree with me so probably not be doing much later.


Decisions decisions, my Met Office weather app tells me theres a 75% cance of rain at 08:00, while the built in weather app on my iPhone tells me there's a 55% chance of rain at 09:00. Which weather to choose?...


Legendary Member
Decisions decisions, my Met Office weather app tells me theres a 75% cance of rain at 08:00, while the built in weather app on my iPhone tells me there's a 55% chance of rain at 09:00. Which weather to choose?...

I often have the same problem. I use 3 different sites and they are often different. I still can’t decide which is the most accurate.


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all. A cloudy start to the day here. All the usual things to do today, plus a trip to the local shops as our son is calling in around tea time and will want feeding. I need a haircut as well, so will get several errands done at the same time.
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