The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
It's grey, it's claggy, it's hissing down and the CH is on.

Worst autumn, winter, spring & summer since we moved here some 26 years ago.

I know some people in certain parts of the country will find it hard to believe, but we are rapidly approaching almost a full year of rain (started mid-Sept LY).

Crazy, depressing weather - completely sucks the life out of many of my good intentions.

I know we've had the odd sunny and warm day, but with this near constant northerly or westerly wind it never feels to me last if winter has properly let go.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Certainly lady luck was smiling on him. An inch to the right it'd gone through his eye live on TV. Not good.

Still, beyond expressing shock and incredulity at the incident I won't go further as it could encroach into NACA territory.

Lady luck? Never! Apparently, it was the Sky Fairy. ^_^


Legendary Member
Hi good news I don't have covid thingy, has a test done and showed up negative
which leaves me with what's the hell wrong with me as I feel like sh1t.....
Dinner was a disaster, I nearly burnt the onion gravy, I cooked the spuds for too long and the yorkshires were under cooked and when I served it up I didn't want it and only eat half......
Hope tomorrow will be better


Legendary Member
Hi good news I don't have covid thingy, has a test done and showed up negative
which leaves me with what's the hell wrong with me as I feel like sh1t.....
Dinner was a disaster, I nearly burnt the onion gravy, I cooked the spuds for too long and the yorkshires were under cooked and when I served it up I didn't want it and only eat half......
Hope tomorrow will be better

My lunch is a bottle of Fortisip......about the only thing I can keep down.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Well at least I now have a reason to buy a ring doorbell
I knew I would find one eventually

I know a few people who have them.
The one thing they have in common is that if you ring their doorbell they never hear it and you have to knock on the door with you knuckles!!!

Amazon have a special on the Blink version at moment £29.99. You need a Sync Module 2 as well, if you don't already have one, if you don't want to pay the cloud subscription.


Legendary Member
I love my Ring doorbell.

There's someone at my Anus!
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