The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
And the rain is here.


Legendary Member
Blimey, what a palaver.

Been out delivering leaflets for the parish council. A couple of houses had "no leaflets" or "no unsolicited mail" signs, and I avoided those as being self explanatory.

One had a "no cold calling" sign, cold calling being unsolicited contact in an attempt to sell something. Well, I wasn't cold calling so they got a leaflet, and they promptly phoned the parish clerk to complain :laugh:

She tried to gently rebuke me but I told her the exact wording of the sign and that I'd not breached the stated instructions of the resident. If they don't like it they can complain to the chairman, but really what's going to happen? A big fat eff all.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
We had egg sandwiches. It's still raining 🌧


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Isn't it strange when you think you know your area well and then find a park you did not know was there?
This morning I took Molly for a walk on the estate by Angel Bay. I usually walk on the outskirt of the estate but today I decided to go through the middle and what a surprise I had. There is a massive park bang in the middle of it! It can't be seen on my usual walk so that is another place for Molly to go.
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