The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
🐱 must be feeling the cold. She got up when I came in as she knows she gets a few Dreamies when I’m having my breakfast, but she’s gone straight back under the duvet. :laugh:


Legendary Member
Morning. Just the riverside trail this morning and nipped into the Co-op on the way home.

@Dave7 Was it you who asked for my verdict on the Simon Howie Lorne sausage? I thought it was nice, so bought another pack plus a pack of sliced haggis to try.

This must be the coolest summer we have had for a few years. I don’t mind personally as I prefer it, but I know the majority of peeps will be disappointed.

Not sure I’ll watch much of the cycling this afternoon as it’s a flat stage. I might just try and catch the last few miles.

Yes 'twas me. I see they are not actual sausages as we know them but sausage meat that you slice up.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.


Legendary Member
Chicken stuffing pie, gravy, mashed potatoes and swede followed by bananas and custard - I feel full up now :mrpig:


Legendary Member
That’s a lot for lunch. Do you eat less in the evening?

I’ve always preferred a light lunch and my main meal at tea time.

Hi Mo I only have two meals a day now breakfast and lunch, late afternoon/early evening I may a small slice of cake, but that's all.
So far I have kept my weight at 79kg blood sugar is a bit too high at 5.6 avg and BMI at 22.8
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