The Retirement Thread

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Yes - those people exist

I heard someone say once that the aim of all decent people is to never be seen on a bus after the age of 30
bet he also looks down on people who ride bikes

there are some arrogant gits in the world - best thing about them making comments like this is that you can spot them easily and avoid them and ignore anything else they say now

And I bet those same people would have no hesitation getting on a local bus if they were on some fancy city break in Copenhagen/Barcelona/Berlin etc.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
On the subject of buses, my sister who lives in Leicestershire, made an odd comment. Broadly, that in their area people choose not to use buses because they don’t want to mix with the type of people who they might find on one ! I was wondering, is this a thing across other parts of the country too ? I find it hard to comprehend, it’s certainly not my experience.

Certainly, in my area, I have heard similar comments from several acquaintances (including family members) regarding buses and metro. Personally, I cannot say that I have noticed any particularly unsavoury characters on the buses (I do use them, regularly). However, unsavoury louts on the metro is a common occurrence, and, there are metro stations which I would not frequent after dark. For a lone woman, I would imagine it is even more scary.
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I like going on buses

never do it because there are none that go past here that are much use to me

especially since the local bus company went bust (LA owned - how does that even happen??) and it go lobbed off towards private companies who cancelled a lot of the "services"

hopefully this will change in the next year and a half in time for me to get a free bus pass


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
I like going on buses

never do it because there are none that go past here that are much use to me

especially since the local bus company went bust (LA owned - how does that even happen??) and it go lobbed off towards private companies who cancelled a lot of the "services"

hopefully this will change in the next year and a half in time for me to get a free bus pass

Fingers crossed Keir doesn't scrap them, or, at least, means test them ;)


Legendary Member
If?, do you have inside information, should I be placing a bet? ;)

To be honest I think he will walk in, but not will my help
After my parents died I ended up living at their house for several months

There was an express bus that stopped nearby that went to Birkenhead and then Liverpool
there was one every 10 minutes and it was faster and a lot easier than taking the car and finding somewhere to park

cheaper to once you factored in tunnel tolls and parking!

It was a great experience

here - not so much - only bus goes 1 mile and stops - or in the otehr direction it goes round a couple of estates and comes back

Nearest other routes are a fair walk away just to get to the bus stop

and we are in the middle of town pretty much!!!
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