The Retirement Thread

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When I fire up the NSI Ernie app and press the big " Reveal Results " button the app always comes back with the message " results not yet available ". If I then press the button a second time then the results appear. The nuances are that if for example you have three prizes of different values then the prizes are revealed on an ascending order. This morning Ernie revealed that I had " won " three prizes, the first was £50 as was the second, the third being £100.
Now I usually wait for a few days to see what unexpected expense, usually of a value equal or greater than the prize money, arrives on the doormat 🤔
Good morning all, a quiet day planned today. £100 won from Ernie. And I might pop into Morningside just for the sake of using my bus pass for the first time !


Legendary Member
Right, I'm fed up with band politics. Perhaps theyve caught me on a bad day, or maybe I'm grumpy because my foot is hurting, but I've lost my rag and told them I won't be playing any more if it continues.

I'm quite happy for them to call my bluff. I dep for two other bands and last time I went to buy strings the guy in the shop was offering me work.

I hope they don't, there's a gig coming up I'm looking forward to, but if that's the price I pay to rid myself of the anxiety the situation is causing me then so be it.

People. Who needs them?


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
People. Who needs them?

Get yer grumpy head off - we all do! ^_^


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Woke up at 6am which is v.early for me. Felt refreshed too as last night was a Kindle & Cuddle night and not the other kind.

So, I carried on where I left off and finished of Secret Asset by Stella Rimington which was really rather good and I gave it 4 out of 5 stars on Good Reads.

Not made my mind up yet what book to tackle next. Decisions, decisions!

And then dwelled, early morning philosophising, on why I am not into kids, grandkids etc and why marrying early (first) did not work for me plus why I eschewed Uni. Deep stuff eh?

Anyone listen to Magic radio. Tried it this morning and what utter cack it is - on a par with R2.

Dry out there so a bike ride beckons...

Have a cracking lazy retirement day, all!
Right - just off to the library for my "IT helper" volunteering thing
2 weeks done so far - not one person helped

Noticed yesterday that this library has a "coffee morning" thing every MONDAY - wher they say IT Help is available - which will just be the librarians
might ask and see if I should change to be there then instead

might get a coffee as well!

getting fed up turning up every week and just sitting there!


Legendary Member
Hope I am wrong, but, it sounds similar to mine a few months ago. Some days, I could only walk with the aid of a crutch, could not put any weight on foot. GP eventually referred me to a Podiatrist, who fixed it, but, it took months. Good luck.

I'm struggling about with a walking stuck. Plantar faciitis AND a knackered achilles tendon. It hurtiddleyurts.
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