The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
:hello: Morning been awake for hours :sad:


Legendary Member
Oh dear, that's answered my earlier question to you then, the exercises and stretches not doing anything then? Mine hurts like hell then stops for a day or two and you think it's getting better, then you wake up one morning and can hardly walk.

No bud. Been stretching, icing, spent a fortune for clever insoles on all my shoes and a set even for my slippers, no improvement.


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all, a cloudy start to the day here, and will probably be so for most of the day.
Sainsbury's are delivering the weekly goodies and tonight MrsP and myself are off to the theatre to see Anton Dubeke and Giovanni in their dance show down in the west end of london.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Nothing on my premium bonds this month :cry:


Legendary Member
Oh dear, that's answered my earlier question to you then, the exercises and stretches not doing anything then? Mine hurts like hell then stops for a day or two and you think it's getting better, then you wake up one morning and can hardly walk.

Mine eases (but is still chuffing painful) as I'm modelling about during the the day, but an hour sat down and I have to start all over again as it wakes up and eases off. Getting up at 3am for a pith is excruciating.

I'm worried thar I'm going to end up with a steroid injection which put me off my feet for a few days, or an operation which will bugger me up for weeks. I can't manage not being on my feet.
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