The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I have even taken something back out of the bin and eaten it :sad: I’ve been anything between almost anorexic at one point years ago to really quite overweight for periods. All the yo-yo dieting and bingeing have nearly destroyed my metabolism I think. I find it really difficult to drop weight now.

I really feel for you Mo. I worked on a unit for people with dietary problems.Al least Mo you have a pretty good exercise regime. Stick at it Your exploits on the exercise bike .Your walks and trips out on your bike are an inspiration to us are your photograph’s of your surrounding area

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Every reason to be proud.



Legendary Member
You might be able to hear it from where you are if you open the windows, I have the Beggars Banquet album by the Rolling Stones on full volume in the kitchen, now seeing as I am in my office you would think I would use the sound system in here, but I just had to be different. My favourite track by The Stones is Factory Girl.
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