The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Well, I best think about going up the wooden hill to bed; I have an early start tomorrow, so night all ( even though most of you are tucked up already). May tomorrow bring you all the excitement you desire.
Not there yet. Another couple of hours yet. Catch up on my reading, making certain paperwork has been filled in correctly and ready for sending in the morning.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
We have just finished watching Obituary on Netflix.

What a cracking 6-parter!

Howling wind and rain, sounds pretty wild out there!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Cooooeee. 12 deg here. A tad cool and we has rain at around 5 am as well.

Not much planned, just some pottering


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Bloody NHS again the sore I have on my hip is not healing, so sent a letter with another photo.....No reply
Phoned the NHS Trust in my area and the earliest appointment I can get is in five weeks time on the 31st July, so now I have no ointment to put on it and it is getting worse FFS
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Just had my own less than satisfactory dealings with the NHS.

While visiting grandchildren (Windsor, but, we were staying at Chertsey), Mrs Boldonlad had a fall, whilst walking the Thames path, near Weybridge. It was clear immediately even to my untrained eye that she had done major damage to her wrist.

I ordered an Uber taxi and took her to the nearest A&E Department (St Peters Hospital, Chertsey).

An x-ray showed three fractures, both bones (radius and ulna ?) were fractured, very near to wrist joint.

They reset the wrist (twice, first time x-ray showed it wasn't quite lined up).

They then advised that realistically, it is probably going to require surgery, which, with follow up, may take days or weeks. Since we were 300 miles from home, they advised that I take Mrs Boldonlad home, and, then to our local hospital, and, that they would forward x-rays, written notes etc so that our local hospital could continue treatment seamlessly.

So far so good, very impressed.

This all took until about 18:00 on Wednesday.

Yesterday, we left Chersey at 07:00 and drove the c300 miles to our home address, then, went on to Sunderland Royal Hospital.

At this point, the good feeling evaporated. No-one at Sunderland appeared to be able to access the transferred information. "Urgent treatment" told us that they would not be willing to use x-rays from another hospital, they would have to do their own.

We were directed to wait in a queue. Three hours later, spent in a crowded Covid incubation waiting-room, with nothing achieved, no x-rays, no examination, we were told they had located the transferred information, and, to go home and wait for a phone from fracture clinic. Phone call is supposed to occur by 12:00 today, Friday, if no call is received, I was given another number to call.

The proverbial party in a brewery comes to mind, pathetic is too kind.

Oh, and, as a bonus, I got a £50 ticket for overstaying my parking time in their car-park.

The saga is not over yet, waiting for phone call.
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Good morning folks. I have been sleeping a lot. Upper chest is still a bit tight but much improved and the hacking cough has abated.
I know the NHS is under pressure but my experience has been excellent.
After testing positive on Wednesday morning I rang the local Surgery who were really helpful. Receptionist was friendly, 😮 and said she'd have a word with the Doctor asap. Doctor called back an hour or so later and said she'd check if antivirals were still recommended. Got a call from a third doctor later that evening who had looked at my medical records and he contacted the neared pharmacy to have Paxlovid in stock. My daughter was able to collect the prescription yesterday morning for me to start the course. I am still sleeping in the back bedroom, but after having such a dreadful night a couple of nights ago I feel a lot better.
Might try a gentle walk, nothing like Mo's standard but the longest journeys start with a single step.


Legendary Member
Good morning folks. I have been sleeping a lot. Upper chest is still a bit tight but much improved and the hacking cough has abated.
I know the NHS is under pressure but my experience has been excellent.
After testing positive on Wednesday morning I rang the local Surgery who were really helpful. Receptionist was friendly, 😮 and said she'd have a word with the Doctor asap. Doctor called back an hour or so later and said she'd check if antivirals were still recommended. Got a call from a third doctor later that evening who had looked at my medical records and he contacted the neared pharmacy to have Paxlovid in stock. My daughter was able to collect the prescription yesterday morning for me to start the course. I am still sleeping in the back bedroom, but after having such a dreadful night a couple of nights ago I feel a lot better.
Might try a gentle walk, nothing like Mo's standard but the longest journeys start with a single step.

I only did 4.3 miles this morning. It’s almost autumnal out there. Love it. :laugh:
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