The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Blimey. I will have to dig out my winter bloomers at this rate. Its like a winters day. :cold:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Just had my own less than satisfactory dealings with the NHS.

While visiting grandchildren (Windsor, but, we were staying at Chertsey), Mrs Boldonlad had a fall, whilst walking the Thames path, near Weybridge. It was clear immediately even to my untrained eye that she had done major damage to her wrist.

I ordered an Uber taxi and took her to the nearest A&E Department (St Peters Hospital, Chertsey).

An x-ray showed three fractures, both bones (radius and ulna ?) were fractured, very near to wrist joint.

They reset the wrist (twice, first time x-ray showed it wasn't quite lined up).

They then advised that realistically, it is probably going to require surgery, which, with follow up, may take days or weeks. Since we were 300 miles from home, they advised that I take Mrs Boldonlad home, and, then to our local hospital, and, that they would forward x-rays, written notes etc so that our local hospital could continue treatment seamlessly.

So far so good, very impressed.

This all took until about 18:00 on Wednesday.

Yesterday, we left Chersey at 07:00 and drove the c300 miles to our home address, then, went on to Sunderland Royal Hospital.

At this point, the good feeling evaporated. No-one at Sunderland appeared to be able to access the transferred information. "Urgent treatment" told us that they would not be willing to use x-rays from another hospital, they would have to do their own.

We were directed to wait in a queue. Three hours later, spent in a crowded Covid incubation waiting-room, with nothing achieved, no x-rays, no examination, we were told they had located the transferred information, and, to go home and wait for a phone from fracture clinic. Phone call is supposed to occur by 12:00 today, Friday, if no call is received, I was given another number to call.

The proverbial party in a brewery comes to mind, pathetic is too kind.

Oh, and, as a bonus, I got a £50 ticket for overstaying my parking time in their car-park.

The saga is not over yet, waiting for phone call.

I hope you manage to get them to pull their fingers out.


Early Retirement Planning
Good morning all.
Yesterday was busy. Today is not.
Cleaner coming at 10.00 and that is about it.
Daughter and family (plus 3 dogs and a cat) are moving in, in 2 weeks. Should be interesting :wacko:.

I know you're in two minds about it. I'm not sure I would like it myself, I like my own company, probably goes back to being an only child.


Legendary Member
That would be the opposite, get their finger in. :ohmy:

I know. Just jesting. I remember my dad telling me about his check when he had problems.


Early Retirement Planning
@Drago, how is the foot doing? Have the exercises made any difference? As I said before, I think I've got the same thing, heel hurts like hell after walking a lot, then turns into more of an achilles pain. I do some of the exercises but not on a regular basis, only really when it's bad. Main reason I'm asking is we're going on holiday to the Peak District in a couple of weeks, so plenty of walking and I wanted to know if it's worth pushing the exercises to try and resolve the issue?
I actually think it’s too long for kids to be off school. I’m sure 4 weeks would be plenty. Between holidays and teacher training days, they seem to be off more than they are there!

I sort of agree - and I am a retired teacher so I have experience from both sides

I reckon that the summer holidays should be shorter and be different for different schools so holiday companies can;t bump up the prices as easily
I always saw kids come back after 6 weeks of pretty much having forgotten most of wheat they previously knew - not a good idea

Of course if you varied it between different schools then exams would also have to change - but then putting the exams in cooler weather wouldn;t be a bad thing anyway - but it does complicate everything and put us out of sync with the rest of the world
a bit

Oh - err - Afternoon tea (a Groupon deal) at lunchtime then off to ASDA - not the near one and not for shopping. SWMBO is having a CT scan in a lorry in the car park

Not a good day for cycling and stuff as it seems to be blowing a gale - might get some weeding done as the brambles are getting to be several meters long
Can;t dig the things up as they are tangled around the roots fo other stuff - so every few months in summer I have to chop them back as much as possible
If I had my way I would chop them into shortish bits and lob them over the back fence into the woods so we get a load of spikey brambles in the trees to deter the k*******s who might "think" to try climbing over the back fence
but I have been overruled in case they try to grow through the fence

so I suppose I will chuck them in the green bin


Legendary Member
I know. Just jesting. I remember my dad telling me about his check when he had problems.

After my last scan the Doc said I had early prostate problems and that I needed it checking.
He had hands like ham shanks and I told him "I hope its not you shoving your fingers up my bum".
I have not been contacted about it since and I don't have problems peeing so am not too bothered.
After my last scan the Doc said I had early prostate problems and that I needed it checking.
He had hands like ham shanks and I told him "I hope its not you shoving your fingers up my bum".
I have not been contacted about it since and I don't have problems peeing so am not too bothered.

I had a major blood test a year or so ago so I asked the doctor if that had been covered
He said the levels were fine and I could stop worrying about prostate stuff for a while
better than the "finger up the bum" test

which remionds me - I need to check if my iron levels are back yet - had a test a day or 2 ago!


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Oh, and, as a bonus, I got a £50 ticket for overstaying my parking time in their car-park.

The companies that run these are total *astards.

A few months back we got a £60 at our local hospital.

Car park was rammed and there were a few spaces as far from the hospital as you could get - not ideal as Mrs SD was visiting with a painful foot problem that made her limp.

We parked the car, got the ticket & displayed it properly.

Got back and the car had been ticketed and a £60 fine had been issued.

Apparently this area was overflow staff parking only.

The only signs were very small plates high in the air - not where you are looking when trying to find a space in a busy car park.

Genuine error on our part, no attempt to avoid payment but they were totally uninterested in our appeal.

Suggested that they should make it clearer what that part of the car park was for eg spray painted 'sign' on the ground or a notice at the pay and display stations but got no response.

Googled the company and they have literally thousands of complaints cited.

Utter scum.
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