The Retirement Thread

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67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Why not try a bit of stargazing, with the lights turned off.
Away from street lighting, the amount you can see...

We do that on and off. Milky Way looks stunning on a clear night.

Tonight it is slightly cloudy plus it is more fun gazing into Mrs SD's gorgeous green eyes.



Good morning from the back bedroom where I have taken myself in the hope that Mrs Tkk can avoid catching Covid.
Quite a rough night, someone put my elbows in a vice before attacking me with baseball bats and my skin feels too small for my body but here I am ready to face another day.
Have a peaceful day folks☀️

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Coooooeeee. Its a lot cooler here today. Cool, overcast and breezy. I'm not unhappy about that as it was too hot.

Stay safe peeps :heat:
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