The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
I have just used my motobility scooter for the 1st time. I do not like it. How come I could enjoy 50 .lies on 2 wheels but feel unsafe on 4 wheels.
At least it got me out and I am sat in the pub enjoying 1/2 a lager.
Suppose your breathalyzed on the way home?


Leg End Member
I decided to brighten up the football last night.So the plan was every time England passed the ball backwards i would sip whisky.Every time it went sideways i would take a mouthful of ruby red ale.The doctor in a & e says i am lucky not to be brain damaged this morning.
And when they passed it forward, what did you drink?


Leg End Member
Night all, I have a hospital appointment at 9am tomorrow, so I depend on you lot not to let me lie in.
What time do you need to be up at?
In between coughing fits and bouts of weariness I have been out in the garden giving Mrs Tkk's Roberts a clean prior to putting it up for sale. A beautiful bike, custom built for her by Chas Roberts for her 60th in 2013. Unfortunately since her knee replacement she has difficulty getting her leg over ( lads, behave, you know what I mean ) and only rides her Brommie now. Here's when we fetched it back from Croydon.

View attachment 735478

Good looking bike. Is that a Rohloff?


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Lovely evening here, front lounge doors still open.

Music on, Prosseco tastes lovely. G&T incoming.

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