The Retirement Thread

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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I think it is going to be a day of doing nothing today. Lethargy tends to get the better of me when it is too warm.


Started young, and still going.
I've succumbed to Covid which explains me feeling rough yesterday and the hacking cough that's developed. Might give 111 a ring as they gave some antivirals meds last time due to my underlying health conditions 🤔

My heavy cold is slowly getting better, I've done two covid tests, both were negative though.
Going to get more lemons, soothers, tissues and paracetamol shortly.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I don't see the point. Nobody ever phones me and I can survive without knowing what's happening on Facebook or cycle chat for a few hours. :laugh:

In an emergency I can make a call on my watch.

That sounds like Mr WD. He never takes his phone. Its stuffed Into a drawer he says no one ever phones him but that's because he doesn't have any means for any one to contact him anyway. I keep saying he should take it with him when he is up at the pond just in case something happens to him but he never does. A couple of times he has fallen in and once he got his foot caught in a tree branch and ended up head down in the pond practically drowning. Stupid man.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
I don't see the point. Nobody ever phones me and I can survive without knowing what's happening on Facebook or cycle chat for a few hours. :laugh:

In an emergency I can make a call on my watch.

Funnily enough, that is exactly what my wife says (except the cycle chat bit) :laugh:

In the past, the only irritation was that everyone phoned or messaged me, and, I became my wife's social secretary, keeping her diary of hair dressing appointments, lunches with her pals etc etc

Now, with her Alzheimer's progressing, I am under pressure, mainly from the daughters, to get Mrs Boldonlad some kind of tracker, just in case. I did think of an App on her phone, but, she seldom carries her phone, so, I think I am going to have to resort to a tracker secreted in her bag, which she does carry reliably.


Leg End Member
I have been scraping the paint off of the bathroom window. I need to find the masking tape then I can paint the window.
Why are you painting the window?
Blackout requirements.


In between coughing fits and bouts of weariness I have been out in the garden giving Mrs Tkk's Roberts a clean prior to putting it up for sale. A beautiful bike, custom built for her by Chas Roberts for her 60th in 2013. Unfortunately since her knee replacement she has difficulty getting her leg over ( lads, behave, you know what I mean ) and only rides her Brommie now. Here's when we fetched it back from Croydon.

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