The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Good morning all from a warm sunny Barnet.
I've just got an email from my local library, the latest Cormaran Strike book by Robert Galbraith I reserved has been returned, I'll go and pick that up this morning, plus I'll get a few stores whilst I am at the high road.
Our son is calling round after work, he must want feeding.
Another hot day today, so I'll try to keep cool as best as I can. I am not a hot weather person, I much prefer the cool/cold. MrsP on the other hand---

Hope it’s not the one based around chat rooms. It’s one of the few books I have ever given up on.

I am another that prefers cooler conditions and enjoy summer less and less. Roll on the crisp autumn days.

Bit of a long lie for me. I seem to have been going to bed later the last few nights. I was awake at 4.30 but went to the loo and went back to bed and managed to doze again.


Started young, and still going.
Hope it’s not the one based around chat rooms. It’s one of the few books I have ever given up on.

I am another that prefers cooler conditions and enjoy summer less and less. Roll on the crisp autumn days.

Bit of a long lie for me. I seem to have been going to bed later the last few nights. I was awake at 4.30 but went to the loo and went back to bed and managed to doze again.

That one took me a while to get through.
The one I am picking up is the latest, book 7, The Running Grave. It was published last year. The paper back came out last week.


Legendary Member

Me neither. Haven’t watched any of it. I’m not sure if I’ll watch much of Wimbledon. Sometimes if I start watching and get into it I enjoy it. Ditto, the Tour de France. I like the mountain stages and time trial but the long flat days can be boring. What I am really looking forward to is the Olympics. I will watch as much as I can.


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Another warm day in prospect. Lovely!
Trip to the tip first thing, then back into the hedge trimming; should have it all done by lunchtime.
Good morning all, damp and dismal here.

Yesterday’s outing took us onto @Mo1959 ‘s patch. We parked at Dunblane and did a loop up to Loch Earn and back through Comrie. Pleasantly sunny to start, got progressively cloudier and downright gloomy by the end. Fortunately the rain held off until the drive home. Enjoyed the cycle track up through Strathyre, and the little road along the south side of Loch Earn. Saw lots of orchids and didn’t get midged, despite the warm and overcast weather. The day has whetted my appetite to do more stuff in that direction, particularly off road.


Legendary Member
Good morning all, damp and dismal here.

Yesterday’s outing took us onto @Mo1959 ‘s patch. We parked at Dunblane and did a loop up to Loch Earn and back through Comrie. Pleasantly sunny to start, got progressively cloudier and downright gloomy by the end. Fortunately the rain held off until the drive home. Enjoyed the cycle track up through Strathyre, and the little road along the south side of Loch Earn. Saw lots of orchids and didn’t get midged, despite the warm and overcast weather. The day has whetted my appetite to do more stuff in that direction, particularly off road.
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It’s a while since I cycled the south side of the loch. They patched the road a few years ago. Is it still holding up ok?
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