The Retirement Thread

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Started young, and still going.
I planted Snowberry bushes once. What a pain they were....... they took over everything. took me years to get rid of them.

Same here, several times I've tried digging them up, but they keep coming back.
I originally bought one plant from Woolworths for 50p along with a few other shrubs in 1986 they are all still going.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
20 deg here and still very muggy. I've been sorting well hiding more stuff in my workroom from Mr WD and it makes it look a bit neater as well.

Hot dogs for lunch today maybe


I got approached today by a lady of the street.I kid you not.I had just left the Health Centre to come home.It was hot i was feeling a little unwell,so i sat in a pub garden on one of their bench seats,watching the road for the bus.Suddenly there appeared in front of me this vision in tiny denim shorts and a crop top,she was with an older women.They both looked rough.With a loud voice she asked do you want to buy some meat.Sorry what,do you want to buy some meat.Meat why would i want to buy any meat.Yes i am that thick.Then she cupped herself,oh no i said but thank you for the offer.Well what about some older meat pointing to her pal.Thank you i said you have made my day.You really have that is just brilliant,and with that off they both went.Well that is a first.Well the bus failed to turn up,but the ladies did come back,and very happily she was waving some money about and was very excited.I wondered if the lads on the building site had helped out.
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