The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Presumably nasty weather conditions. Can’t remember.

Been telly watching all evening. Suppose I’d better hit the sack soon.
What has that sack done to deserve that?


Good morning from a sunny Dorsetshire. Blue bin day, veg box and walking group this morning. Melitta are having one of their periodic sales so there's 6kg of coffee beans heading our way☕️.
Both of the Brommies had a good clean and relube after their outing to London. I will give my Orange Brommie a checkover and service prior to putting it up for sale. My first Brommie so it's of sentimental value too.
Have a peaceful day folks ☀️☕️


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all.
It's quite warm outside already, clear sky and the sun has got his hat on.
Sainsbury's are delivering the weekly goodies this morning, then I'll be out on the bike for a bit before it gets too warm.
I have a rotten cold, I did a Vid. test yesterday and that was negative, but I have a hacking cough and a runny nose. Today is day 3, so it should start to improve soon.
More gardening later on, I'll have to use the hosepipe to water the now dry soil, who would of thought it just a few weeks back. My waterbutt is now dry.
Boiled eggs and toast for breakfast I think. :hungry:
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