The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Inflation? everything else seems to have gone up...

Including Philip Schofield...


Legendary Member
I've got some Charlotte salad potatoes in some large pots, the tops are growing well, but no flowers as yet.

Mine were exactly the same In tubs Tops growing well but like yours no flowers Just pulled up one root.I still have seven plants so will probably leave them a little longer.

Enough there to have with our salad not sure I think they are Maris Piper


Legendary Member
Morning all.
Yesterday I had a houseful. Probably mentioned it before but my daughter is a reflexologist (try saying that when you are drunk) and as they are moving in she needs a treatment room..... it has been built but lots of bits to finish so builders were here yesterday.
My SiL is a real hard worker. I would love to help him but simply cannot do it.
So..... it is just me and Mr Chillout ^_^

reflexiiology. deflextolgust, twiddly feet thingy, yep you are right, not easy.
Had the smallest grandkid from 9 this morning
took him to the park/playground at about 11 - hence chucked loads of sun cream at him at about 10:30 ish

Quite pleased with him as he is very brave at some thing - like swings and slides
but a great wimp at other things

well today I got him to walk along the balance beam thingy without holding my hand - just my hands close by to catch him if he slipped
and he did it - very doubtful at the start - but he did it!

also - after a while a group of teenagers came along wearing t0shirts and shorts
they behaviour was a bit off - kinda 13-16 year olds but behaving like much younger in some ways
I worked out that they must be from the local "Special School" as a bloke came long with a badge and sat and watched them

they were really nice kids, when bugalugs - sorry my darling grand-son - wandered over to them by the climbing frame they moved out of his way and got off the slide for him
very well behaved while being teenagers

the teacher was just there - never needed to look up from his phone - although as I used to be a teacher I knew he could tell exactly what they were doing!

Might send an email to the school saying they were so well behaved!


Leg End Member
I've been shopping.......Ahhhhhh................ Bloody self service tills, the whole shop now has self service :cursing:
Not had much good luck with them things. First time I used one, a pre-packed sarnie cost over £100. They took the two machines off after that for the day.
Last time I used one, every till in the shop went down. Made to use it, despite not wanting to. And they paid the price!
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