The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I quite like the Aldi self service tills. I can pack my shopping at my leisure instead of having my items literally thrown at me all at once.


Legendary Member
You were extremely law abiding, I had my first pint in a pub at 15, I looked old for my age, now people are telling me I look younger than I am, it could be because I am quite fit and not overweight, or it could be them just being nice to me. But this is Lincolnshire and a lot of folk are very old at 50.

Actually what i should have said my first legal pint

I had the occasional shandy when I was sixteen. We would often stop on the evening return at a pub I was never questioned about my age I must have looked 18.Cant say I liked drinking alcohol during a club run always seemed to affect my legs. and felt bloated ,so stuck to a non fizzy soft drink
Our club room was over a pub but stuck to shandy


If 6 Was 9
Back from shopping in Minehead.
Decided to dig up a couple of tater plants to see how they were doing.


Little Pink Fir Apple spuds tonight! :hungry:


Legendary Member
Morning all :hello:

Forecast sunny today........and it's raining!
Fixed my neighbours strimmer in 10 minutes yesterday. He'd taken it to a local garden machinery place and they'd refused to look at it - " Can't get parts for that, mate".
Anyway, it's up and running nicely now.
Got my other neighbours lawn mower to look at next....

Nah......that's her Mendips.

That pub name rings a bell; didn't it feature in a murder case a few years ago?

Not to my knowledge.I moved from Loughborough in 1966 The beer wasn’t that bad


Just cycled back from the station, watered the plants and unpacked into the clothes basket. Quite an eventful weekend, and quite a journey getting home. We'll be claiming hotel expenses from SW Railways, they will almost certainly find a subclause in the t&c's to inveigle their way out of paying.
We will be sorting out our cycling stuff to rationalise it. I have acquired lots of Brommie bags of various sizes and functions over the years. I have a Garmin 530 that I have used half a dozen times, plus my Orange / Black Brommie that I fitted dynamo and rack to will be going too.
Spoke to a guy at the BEC who had 8 brommies, he'd had 10 at one time but sold a couple to neighbours. Perhaps having five between us isn't too many 🤔


Early Retirement Planning
Just cycled back from the station, watered the plants and unpacked into the clothes basket. Quite an eventful weekend, and quite a journey getting home. We'll be claiming hotel expenses from SW Railways, they will almost certainly find a subclause in the t&c's to inveigle their way out of paying.
We will be sorting out our cycling stuff to rationalise it. I have acquired lots of Brommie bags of various sizes and functions over the years. I have a Garmin 530 that I have used half a dozen times, plus my Orange / Black Brommie that I fitted dynamo and rack to will be going too.
Spoke to a guy at the BEC who had 8 brommies, he'd had 10 at one time but sold a couple to neighbours. Perhaps having five between us isn't too many 🤔
Where's the race report? Are we mere mortals now dealing with a World Champion Brommie rider?
I quite like the Aldi self service tills. I can pack my shopping at my leisure instead of having my items literally thrown at me all at once.

I have also noticed that ALDI make the bar code bigger and clearer to make it easier for the machine to spot them
This means
a) it is easier for the customer
b) the staff don;t have to come over to every customer every few minutes to help

I often wonder why other places don;t do this!!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I have also noticed that ALDI make the bar code bigger and clearer to make it easier for the machine to spot them
This means
a) it is easier for the customer
b) the staff don;t have to come over to every customer every few minutes to help

I often wonder why other places don;t do this!!

Exactly. And the place where you put your shopping once you scan it is bigger as well. And the things work.
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