The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
A serious question.
Let's say you have 4 tomato plants that produce.
How are you going to eat all those tomatoes ?
One at a time.
How else!
I got a voucher from the garage for a car wash opposi.te them - when I got it serviced

been meaning to go round and get it washed but whenever I thought about it I couldn;t for some reason
finally got fed up today and washed it myself

Just as I finished the bloke opposite came out and started to do his - actually his son's as he is visiting but I'm sure
What the **** is chicken cottage pie :wacko:

Sounds like something an American would come up with!!!!!


Leg End Member
Yes my son and his wife own the pub
Couldn't the drinks be on him.

Sorta like the Milky Bar Kid only with the beer.


Leg End Member
I got a voucher from the garage for a car wash opposi.te them - when I got it serviced

been meaning to go round and get it washed but whenever I thought about it I couldn;t for some reason
finally got fed up today and washed it myself

Just as I finished the bloke opposite came out and started to do his - actually his son's as he is visiting but I'm sure

Sounds like something an American would come up with!!!!!
Numbnuts is American!

He's kept that quiet.


Legendary Member
I think I lost around 40% by going a couple of years early too, but I just couldn’t make myself stick it out. No regrets.

I retired two years early at 63.I took my County Council Social services pension.I was lucky as my brother who had passed away had left me his flat which I sold and was enough with MrsP still working

I worked for the CC social work team at the LRI.I didn’t want to retire early but Social Services care was increasing moved to private sector I could have moved to a local office still with some responsibility for some limited input to the hospital

I worked for twenty years as with older person multi disciplinary care team within the hospital a job I never had trouble getting out of bed fore.My leaving do was one of the saddest moments in my life.
Prior to qualifying as SW I qualified as SR psychiatric nurse.
I am still working but am lucky enough to have a final salary pension. I have been planning under the belief that I can take it from age 55 (in 2 years) with a deduction for every year before 60, and that was my objective.

I recently discovered there is a well-hidden clause that means that anyone who was in service before a certain year can actually leave from 50 (ie, now!) with the annual reduction still applied.

I’ve asked for a pension valuation to see what this looks like. I’m unlikely to go just yet as the deduction will be pretty severe but it gives me a new sense of comfort that, should I one day feel like it, I could just jack it all in.

I had a few bits and bobs of pension contributions before I started with my long term employer, with whom I had a defined benefit scheme with a normal retirement age of 60. I found that I could stop working at 55 and gain immediate access to the bits and bobs pensions. These have been more than enough to fund me for five years, without need to take any of my db pension early. I am now approaching 60 and hence will now be getting my full pension with no reduction.
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