The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Why is there a moped in your bathroom?

I haven't seen one. :laugh:


Legendary Member
I love tomatoes, especially when they are in season and not forced on. The absolute best is picking them straight off the vine. I can eat them like sweets they are so delicious.

I wandered the half mile along to Aldi for a few things. Not sure what possessed me to put a jacket on as it’s roasting now and not much breeze yet. Not sure if I will be venturing back out or not.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I am still working but am lucky enough to have a final salary pension. I have been planning under the belief that I can take it from age 55 (in 2 years) with a deduction for every year before 60, and that was my objective.

I recently discovered there is a well-hidden clause that means that anyone who was in service before a certain year can actually leave from 50 (ie, now!) with the annual reduction still applied.

I’ve asked for a pension valuation to see what this looks like. I’m unlikely to go just yet as the deduction will be pretty severe but it gives me a new sense of comfort that, should I one day feel like it, I could just jack it all in.

A number of schemes are subject to the 50 years of age provision.

I took my main pension at the age of 53 before the rise to 55 kicked in.

My reduction was 43% for taking it early.

I calculated that if I lived beyond age 93 that I would be out of pocket and hence it would be a bad idea.

I can live with that risk!


Legendary Member
A number of schemes are subject to the 50 years of age provision.

I took my main pension at the age of 53 before the rise to 55 kicked in.

My reduction was 43% for taking it early.

I calculated that if I lived beyond age 93 that I would be out of pocket and hence a bad idea.

I think I lost around 40% by going a couple of years early too, but I just couldn’t make myself stick it out. No regrets.
I think I lost around 40% by going a couple of years early too, but I just couldn’t make myself stick it out. No regrets.

Yup - it all depends on what is best for you

However, I would advise everyone to check the details very carefully before jumping - and check early before you are even thinking of retiring

It all worked out well for me - but I was close to loosing a couple of hundred a month due to weird time conditions.


Legendary Member
Second walk done, chicken cottage pie for lunch followed by strawberry cheesecake
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