The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Morning all :hello:

Towed back safely from Wiltshire yesterday; caravan now back on my drive ready for next time.
Must thank my lovely neighbour for watering all the stuff in my greenhouse daily. Pity he can't eat tomatoes!
Off out for a stroll on the Quantocks this morning before we go for lunch at the Railway Inn.

Jeez, that sounds painful....strolling on your quantocks :sad: I have been kicked in my quantocks but never strolled on them.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Morning. I have bimbled. 24 miles done. Just five or six years ago that would have been a very modest ride and now it feels like a long one. I enjoyed the peace and quiet though.

Just running a bath for a nice soak now before breakfast.
Modest rides is all I do these days but it keeps me going.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
We have 5 1000 litre square plastic tanks, the kind that usually have metal cages around the to transport stuff like olive oil. They were steam cleaned after they have been emptied and then sold. We have a system that they can be hooked up to a pump then pumped into the house if ever we have a water leak etc. Out water meter if about 1000 yards away and the pipe up to my house goes all over the common land to get to our house. If ever the pipe bursts we can hook all the water butts to the pump.


Slippery scientist
I am still working but am lucky enough to have a final salary pension. I have been planning under the belief that I can take it from age 55 (in 2 years) with a deduction for every year before 60, and that was my objective.

I recently discovered there is a well-hidden clause that means that anyone who was in service before a certain year can actually leave from 50 (ie, now!) with the annual reduction still applied.

I’ve asked for a pension valuation to see what this looks like. I’m unlikely to go just yet as the deduction will be pretty severe but it gives me a new sense of comfort that, should I one day feel like it, I could just jack it all in.


Legendary Member
A serious question.
Let's say you have 4 tomato plants that produce.
How are you going to eat all those tomatoes ?

Ironically, I'm intolerant to tomatoes so can't eat them!

But I love growing them.

I give many away, and sell some to my friend who owns a pub. I also give excess plants away to my FiL.

Mini D loves them and eats them like apples. What's left Mrs D uses in recipes.
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