The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
I might go clothes shopping tomorrow, there again I might not. Night all.


Legendary Member
Morning all.
It's a day I have been dreading.
Sue's wish was for her ashes to be laid with her dad.
It is 12 months to the day since her funeral and my daughter has arranged for this to happen at 11.30 this morning.
There will be about 13 people, family and close friends.
Personally I would rather be anywhere else.
I originally said I just could not do it but then decided its something I must do.


Legendary Member
Morning all.
It's a day I have been dreading.
Sue's wish was for her ashes to be laid with her dad.
It is 12 months to the day since her funeral and my daughter has arranged for this to happen at 11.30 this morning.
There will be about 13 people, family and close friends.
Personally I would rather be anywhere else.
I originally said I just could not do it but then decided its something I must do.

Pam's ashes are still at my son's, I am not sure how or when to deal with them, we never had a plan in place. I feel you are doing the right thing, just let the tears roll, I think they are the safety valve that stops us exploding. Take care pal.


Legendary Member
Pam's ashes are still at my son's, I am not sure how or when to deal with them, we never had a plan in place. I feel you are doing the right thing, just let the tears roll, I think they are the safety valve that stops us exploding. Take care pal.

Not sure how many tears I have left. Daughter is handling it better than me.
Mind you I lived and slept with her for 55 years.
In conversation my daughter asked if I had any wishes for my ashes. I said, so long as you don't bury them any place in the garden where your 3 dogs can crap on me.


Legendary Member
Not sure how many tears I have left. Daughter is handling it better than me.
Mind you I lived and slept with her for 55 years.
In conversation my daughter asked if I had any wishes for my ashes. I said, so long as you don't bury them any place in the garden where your 3 dogs can crap on me.

I also wonder when or if I will run out of tears, not for a very long time I expect, in a way it broadcasts to others how much we loved our wives and still do. I love your last line, it made me smile.


Good morning from that London.
Managed to register for todays Brompton event yesterday evening. It's at a place called " Coal Drops yard and the place was absolutely buzzing with cyclists on all sorts of bikes, there was a race in progress when we arrived, Mrs Tkk was a bit intimidated by how full on and fast it was. There was a place set up where Brompton would give your bike a check over, pump up tyres etc. we had our bikes inspected at registration, they checked brakes and frame looking for any cracks or unsafe items, the lady said they were also checking for electric motors 😮
We're both in one of the earlier heats and won't progress any further, but it's looking to be a great experience 👍


Legendary Member
Talking of ashes.
Sue's mum's ashes had been hanging around for years. A few years ago Sue agreed for me to put them in the garden and plant a rose on them.
That rose never prospered.
Yesterday my SiL dug it up and replanted it.
Sad in a way as it was near the patio and I could pee on it occasionally :smile:
BTW I did love her Mum.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Coooooeeeee. 13 deg and a bright and sunny day here.

Highlight of my day? I will be going to afternoon tea with my son and his partner.
She really does live in the middle of nowhere. Wake will sefbe my friend today.

Talking of dreams, I had a weird one and all I can remember is having a cigarette. Whe I woke up I really really wanted one. It shook me a bit as its been 13 years since I stopped smoking.

Stay safe peeps :hello:
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