The Retirement Thread

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67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Good morning from the last day on Corfu. It's 10.15 and already 30⁰c. :heat:
Just s day lazing around the pool, we've visited everywhere we wanted to go. It'll be nice to get home, back to the cool conditions and to pick up Millie and get walking over the fields again.
Sunday morning the diet starts in earnest. I've put on a lot of lard that needs to be shifted.
Enjoy your day everyone. :cuppa:

Our friends from Bournemouth are in Corfu Town at the moment and we have been getting 'very hot' updates - even though they are used to south coast sun. :sun:


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Nice day - sunshine from the front lounge this morning. West facing so it stays cool till about 2pm this time of year, but very pleasant as a 'waking up' spot.


welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Morning all :hello:

Another nice sunny day today.
We're off to Aldbourne this morning to look around where the 101st Airborne (Band of Brothers) were billeted in 1944.
Several sites I'd like to see there.
Then we will nip down the road to see a Roman villa.

Funnily enough, one of MrsD's uncles had a removable ear. Stuck on with velcro.

I def need to have my eyes tested. I thought that read Mrs D undies had a removable ear :wacko:


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Bonjour. I have put a curtain rail up in our bedroom and that's my work done for today..................I think, at least until Mrs G comes back from her coffee morning with her friends. Sunny again with a nice breeze.
Had a bit of an argument last night as one grandson is 21 next week end and Mrs G wants to go to his party. Problem is that he lives in Bideford ( 330 miles away) and his sister is having her graduation day two weeks later and we are invited to that as well. Another 330 miles each way, so I said we will do the graduation only as I don't fancy driving 1320 miles over two weeks. We are still discussing the matter.
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Legendary Member
Bonjour. I have put a curtain rail up in our bedroom and that's my work done for today..................I think, at least until Mrs G comes back from her coffee morning with her friends. Sunny again with a nice breeze.
Had a bit of an argument last night as one grandson is 21 next week end and Mrs G wants to go to his party. Problem is that he lives in Bideford ( 330 miles away) and his sister his having her graduation day two weeks later and we are invited to that as well. Another 330 miles each way, so I said we will do the graduation only as I don't fancy driving 1320 miles over two weeks. We are still discussing the matter.

That is a long way even for just one event never mind two.


If 6 Was 9
Currently sat in the 101 bar at the Crown in Aldbourne - home of the Band of Brothers in 1944.



67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Bonjour. I have put a curtain rail up in our bedroom and that's my work done for today..................I think, at least until Mrs G comes back from her coffee morning with her friends. Sunny again with a nice breeze.
Had a bit of an argument last night as one grandson is 21 next week end and Mrs G wants to go to his party. Problem is that he lives in Bideford ( 330 miles away) and his sister is having her graduation day two weeks later and we are invited to that as well. Another 330 miles each way, so I said we will do the graduation only as I don't fancy driving 1320 miles over two weeks. We are still discussing the matter.

Good luck! Crazy miles!
Went for a ride this morning - just to the airport - so about 16-17 miles (not sure because Strava didn;t record - again - dunno why)


I did something

SO - I got to the airport observatiuon area - narrow road leading to the flying schools - grass in the runway side and gravel parking on the right

After a bit the left bit opens up to more gravel for parking and making views of the runway and executive/private aircraft area

Anyway - as I was approaching the wider area there were 3 older (i.e. my age) blokes walking quickly along the gravel bit carrying cameras with big lenses and small ladders
There was also a small passenger aricraft (2 prop driven so not Taylor Swift - also not orange!!!)
the blokes were by now angling diagonally across the road bit in line abreast - hence taking up the whole road

I slowed down and rang my bell and 2 of them changed course a bit to make way
The third carried of deliberately walking down the middle of the road with his ladder
so I slowed down some more and rang my bell again

one of his mates yelled "BIKE"
He turned and saw me only 3-4 meters from him

and VERY grumpily growled
"Where's you bell"

Now - when someone says stuff like that I always come up with the perfect response
normally about 10 minutes later

This time


I pointed at my nice shiny - and quite large- bell and said "It's here"
and gave it 3 full rings - it is a ding-a-ling-a-ling type so not just a small ding

he carried on in the grumpy mode saying "It's not very loud (It is!) so I pointed at the other 2 and said
"I rang it twice"
"and those 2 heard it first time!!!"

Bet he reads the Daily Mail


Legendary Member
Well my daughter turned up as  threatened promised.
what I didnt expect was the SiL, grandson, grandaughter plus friend PLUS 3 dogs.
She brought loads of salad stuff and we had a picnic......very enjoyable.
Apart from when I went inside and came back to find a dog eating the rest of my lunch.
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