The Retirement Thread

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Awake at 06:00, sun is shining and the mystery of the person lurking opposite the house has been resolved, looks like a car share waiting to be picked up en route to work. I finished the next stage of the garden rewilding project yesterday, lots of decorative gravel moved to form a path, soil put down and grass seed sown and watered. Ever the impatient, I am already looking for the first sprouts of green 😄


Legendary Member
Still no sightings of Dr Michael Mosley. Not looking good for the poor bloke :sad:


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Blimey! Friday's come around quickly.
Off down to the harbour at lunchtime for chips and cider - that's two of my five a day accounted for. :laugh:


Legendary Member
He was last seen 1.30pm local time Wednesday. I've read some of his stuff, watched a few videos. An interesting chap and no one says a bad word about him, so I hope he turns up safe and well.

Like Mo I fear the worst. As somebody posted there are some very dangerous cliff walks in that area.
Temperature there is expected to reach nearly 50° today which won't help.
Good morning all, we’re midway through a two week stay in Nethy Bridge, Speyside. Weather not great, most days it has struggled to get up to 10°, with wind and heavy showers adding to the mix. There’s a dusting of fresh snow on the tops. But the sun between the showers has been very pleasant at times so all very mixed. We’ve been out walking every day, a nice view of a cuckoo yesterday and a short but exciting view of a marsh harrier the other day. Lots of sand martins and female goldeneye on the Spey, curious why we haven’t seen any males. Must google that.
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