The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Stretching exercises, ice, occasional pain relief if it gets a bit much, all sorts of gel inserts in my trainers. Sketchers very good, apparently. Got to go back in a month so he can try and make me whimper as he pokes the painful bits again.

Rolling your foot on a ball is good, or even better a bottle filled with water popped into the freezer and roll the foot on that. Mix of massage and ice therapy.


Early Retirement Planning
Stretching exercises, ice, occasional pain relief if it gets a bit much, all sorts of gel inserts in my trainers. Sketchers very good, apparently. Got to go back in a month so he can try and make me whimper as he pokes the painful bits again.
Rats, that what I've already been doing, along with the massage ball as suggested by Mo. It's a long process, I've had it for about 2 months, you think it's getting better then you have a bad day again. Got a walking holiday planned in about 6 weeks to I'm hoping it improves enough by then.
I remember going home after work In Birmingham at night just as the starlings were settling down to roost for the night. The noise was deafening and of course with tens of thousands of the buggers you can imagine all the droppings that descended from the sky.

Thank god we kept undercover in the arcades otherwise we would have been covered in it. xx(

I used to work in Rhyl High School and the seagulls used to come round just after morning break and lunch
because kids are messy b*****s and left all sort of food all over the quad

When waiting for the quad to clear - and also after eating their fill - they headed back to the beach
via the car park apparently

hundreds of the b*****s!!!

car could be almost white some days - it was actually a good day when it rained all afternoon!
Here's a thing that you enlightened good folk might be able to shed light upon.

The new Chez Drago is about as far inland as its possible to get in Engurlund, but there seems to be a lot of gulls flying about and squawking,

Black Headed gulls often live inland - especially near lakes

some others have moved inland as over fishing have reduced their natural food sources and added new ones

Only one that doesn;t is the Kittiwake which is the only true Sea Gull as it lives mostly at sea - the others come inland to roost and stuff


If 6 Was 9
Here's a thing that you enlightened good folk might be able to shed light upon.

The new Chez Drago is about as far inland as its possible to get in Engurlund, but there seems to be a lot of gulls flying about and squawking,

Biggest population of gulls is on a tip near Birmingham apparently.
We had gulls nesting on our roof last year. Bloody nuisances!
We had our roof cleaned earlier on this year and they removed the old nest. Every time one landed on our roof, I pinged them with my bb gun. I think they got the message. They are now nesting on our neighbour's roof. :laugh:
The males have very dark brown head
or to be pedantic - very dark brown plumage on their head
Female are less obvious but they are all quite small compared to Herring gulls and all them

They are also less aggressive that Herring Guls and any of the black backed bastards - who knicked my pie on Llanduno beach ones
for which the whole species will be forever dammed if I have anything to do with it!!!


Started young, and still going.
Greater black backed gulls are pretty big as well. Named because of-----, well you can work it out.
Actually, none of them are Seagulls. Just various types of Gull who happen to live on or by the sea. And as mentioned, quite a few inland now.
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