The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Flipping heck your foot at the docs Your heart in San Francisco.What’s the next.body part to get mislaid
His head, in the clouds...
Still not located him. It’s more than slightly concerning. Hope he’s found safe and well but it doesn’t feel good. :sad:

Ihave been there - and been walking over the mountains - well - mountain because it is basically one big one sticking up outof the water
Most of the beaches are down steep gradients - sometime only accessible by boat

so a slight move off the path - or use the wrong path - and you could be in trouble

Hope he is OK


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
You early-bedders... ^_^


Started young, and still going.
Morning all.
A clear blue sky greets me as I look out of the window. The temperature is forecast to get up to 18⁰c so not too shabby.
All the usual stuff to do today, dog walking, domestics and the kitchen windows need a clean.
There is a meeting of the escape committee this afternoon at the Railway Bell, so that's the day sorted.
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