The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Morning all.
Sunny but cold. Apparently we are due 2 weeks of constant rain.
Anyway..... ...I am still suffering from severe shock!!!
As I said, my daughter told me THEY were taking ME out..... so how come I ended up paying for everything :blush:
I suppose that's what Dad's are for.
I console my myself by remembering I am only spending their inheritance.


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all.
A little overcast out there at the moment.
After this mornings dog walk, I'll cycle up to the post office and get my Euros for next week trip abroad, and then go to the barbers for a trim up and then I think that I am ready for the daughters wedding next week.
MrsP is quite stressed over the whole shebang even though she has her outfits all sorted, the travel arrangements are all sorted, the animal care arrangements are all sorted, so there is nothing to worry about.


Legendary Member
Think an eagle must’ve had an overactive bowel. Glad I wasn’t stand under that lot.

Hello all

Just had a phone call - apparently we have booked train tickets from the East Midlands to Edinburgh
if this is not correct or we need to cancel them please press 1

Yeah - right

still makes a difference to "Your Amazon Prime membership is about to be renewed"

Anyway - off soon to take wife's son to the hospital for a minor procedure thingy - and then back again later to take him home

then I have the fun of cleaning the air fryer which seems to have suffered from cooking some sausages - lots of evaporated fat condensed around the fan and above the element


Legendary Member
then I have the fun of cleaning the air fryer which seems to have suffered from cooking some sausages - lots of evaporated fat condensed around the fan and above the element
This is one of the reasons I don’t think I will bother trying one. For the few occasions I want sausages I will just grill them and the even rarer occasions I want chips, I will just stick with oven ones.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Think an eagle must’ve had an overactive bowel. Glad I wasn’t stand under that lot.

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I remember going home after work In Birmingham at night just as the starlings were settling down to roost for the night. The noise was deafening and of course with tens of thousands of the buggers you can imagine all the droppings that descended from the sky.

Thank god we kept undercover in the arcades otherwise we would have been covered in it. xx(
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