The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Just got back from church, talk about undisciplined kids, there were four of them all from the same family, I don't even why they come all they do is just play around all the time. Ages 5 to 13 and the mother said f-all to any of them. I think they only come is to get into a well known Catholic school which is one of the best round here. <rant over>
Oh I've got beef stroganoff and rice for lunch and maybe a walk later


If 6 Was 9
Blazing hot out there so we went for a nice stroll to the beach. We found a fairly large Ammonite there.


Decided to cut my front lawn when I got back and forgot that I'd left my Strava on. We'd done 5000 steps to the beach and back, but what surprised me was how far I walked cutting the grass - just under a mile and just under 4000 steps - no wonder I feel like a cold beer now! :cheers:



Legendary Member
Just got back from church, talk about undisciplined kids, there were four of them all from the same family, I don't even why they come all they do is just play around all the time. Ages 5 to 13 and the mother said f-all to any of them. I think they only come is to get into a well known Catholic school which is one of the best round here. <rant over>
Oh I've got beef stroganoff and rice for lunch and maybe a walk later

I don’t have much time for badly behaved kids and get fed up of parents making excuses for them. i.e. They are just bored and we all did the same when we were younger, etc. If I had mucked around in church I would have been hauled out and no doubt given a smack. Likewise in shops.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
I don’t have much time for badly behaved kids and get fed up of parents making excuses for them. i.e. They are just bored and we all did the same when we were younger, etc. If I had mucked around in church I would have been hauled out and no doubt given a smack. Likewise in shops.

Given a smack! Can’t do that now, a gentle talking to, and a bag of sweets, is the new smack. 😊


Scorchio here, granddaughter sleepover last night and she helped put out some bedding plants this morning. They've just left and I'm sipping on a premix Tanqueray G+T . Very refreshing, I'm about to crack open a second😮


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Bedroom completely finished now: two new chests of drawers, two new wardrobes, a new bed you can lift for storage and bedside tables. Painting and decorating also done. I sent pictures to Mrs G who likes it so far. I will bring her back tomorrow. I wonder what Molly will think of it as she is not keen on changes. At least, her bed is still the same.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
The conversation reference Children and behaviour is interesting.

Between us, myself and Mrs Boldonlad have six children (4 daughters, 2 sons).

None of them were any real problem in childhood, although, a couple of them did test our mettle as teenagers. Now, they are all around the 50yo mark, and, four of them have children of their own.

I struggle to suppress a smile, or, even downright guffaws, when listening to them tell me of their woes with their teenagers, since I have seen it all before, and, enjoy throwing in the odd "I can't imagine who they take after" ;)


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I don’t have much time for badly behaved kids and get fed up of parents making excuses for them. i.e. They are just bored and we all did the same when we were younger, etc. If I had mucked around in church I would have been hauled out and no doubt given a smackreat grandchild . Likewise in Grandchild due in August

Not got time for any kids tbh.

First Great Grandchild due in August and we shall have to feign interest.
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