The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Been up since 04.30
Sat in conservatory now listening to "tracks of my years' with Tim Booth of the group James.....very interesting


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all.
The sun is shining and the sky is a clear blue.
The washing machine is already doing it's stuff.
A few things to do today, the usual dog walk, it looks like a good day to cut the grass a bit later on and our daughter is calling in. She is dropping off one of her suitcases for us to look after, whilst picking up an empty case, for her wedding dress and other parafanalia ready for the big day in under two weeks time.
I must make a start on my Father of the bride speech. I have quite a few ideas but I must start writing them down.


Legendary Member
Good morning all.
The sun is shining and the sky is a clear blue.
The washing machine is already doing it's stuff.
A few things to do today, the usual dog walk, it looks like a good day to cut the grass a bit later on and our daughter is calling in. She is dropping off one of her suitcases for us to look after, whilst picking up an empty case, for her wedding dress and other parafanalia ready for the big day in under two weeks time.
I must make a start on my Father of the bride speech. I have quite a few ideas but I must start writing them down.

I use chatgpt to give me a start and then tweak it to suit, it has really made writing things easier for me and saved a lot of time.


Legendary Member
Morning. I was up, quick cuppa and out the door at 5am and had a 25 mile spin. Reasonably enjoyable, but I’m not loving the cycling the way I used to. I think I would rather have been running.

I just went up through Comrie and St Fillans and stopped at the foot of Loch Earn to admire the view and have a drink before returning.
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