The Retirement Thread

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Good morning all. A sunny start to the day. I have a few tasks, finishing off the shed painting and a bay bush that is rapidly becoming a tree so needs trimming back. Fuel bill arrived and we generated £38 more last month than we used. Hopefully will build up more credit over the summer with the solar / battery and see how close to zero we can get the annual bill.
For the first time ever I am thinking about selling a bike instead of acquiring one, I have a blinged up 2019 Brompton CHPT3 which I have really enjoyed doing up, titanium seatpost, colour matched mudguards and chain etc, but I ride it infrequently as I find the straight handle bars too low now and prefer the more upright position of my other Brommie.
Anyway, will have a ponder.
Have a peaceful day folks 😎☀️☕️


Legendary Member
Morning all.
A good sleep but not long enough.
Yesterday afternoon was enjoyable. Daughter and SiL came around and brought friends of theirs. I knew the guy (50ish) and he had his new partner. They met on a dating site. Those sites seem to work for some people so good on them.
My daughter suggested I try it but ATM nobody can replace my lovely wife.

Nobody will ever replace your wife, nor will anyone ever replace mine. If we are lucky we may find someone else to share our lives with, but I am not expecting it to happen.


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Shopping in Minehead this morning, then back in the workshop to reassemble the Bantam forks. They felt a bit stiff when I was moving it into the garage yesterday, so I decided to investigate.
Looks like it's had brand new fork stanchions and bushes but put together with no oil.


I'd love to know the past history of this bike; it's had loads of new parts thrown at it, but it was all loosely put together - very odd.


Leg End Member
I kind of knew this reply would come along.😁
Glad I didn't disappoint.


Legendary Member
Rang the dealers. Prats.

They're busy, they say. I can't take it in, they say.

I very calmly explained a few facts of life to them, notably that its 4 months old and just being busy does not negate their responsibility under the Consumer Rights Act, and that the lease company won't let me have a replacement until this one is at the garage and as I can't use it (because it won't charge) that leaves me carless. Not that bothers me per se, but I'm paying money each month to lease it and I expect a bit of f*****g service in return.

A few minutes later a much saner person called me and agreed that I should drop it in at lunchtime.

I tell you what grinds my gears these days - having to argue and complain simply to get that which I am owed or entitled to as a paying customer. How there aren't more hostage takings and the like Dog Day Afternoon style is beyond me.


Legendary Member
I have resisted trying tubeless. It sounds more of a faff than I can be bothered with.

Nice enough morning here but feeling a bit lethargic so it’ll just be a gentle walk soon.

Tubeless tyres.Disk brake’s Twelve speed gears.Electric gear changers.

Cycling used to be such a simple activity.I have non of the above and don’t intend too.


Looking at today's date I realised that it's a year ago that I tripped on a tree root and broke my arm. Twelve years ago I would have been a few hours into my run from 'Maritzburg to Durban in all that lovely warm sunshine ☀️☀️☀️.
I am heading out for a run shortly and will be extra careful to watch the terrain🤞
Looking at today's date I realised that it's a year ago that I tripped on a tree root and broke my arm. Twelve years ago I would have been a few hours into my run from 'Maritzburg to Durban in all that lovely warm sunshine ☀️☀️☀️.
I am heading out for a run shortly and will be extra careful to watch the terrain🤞

I paddled the 'dusi three or four times in the nineteen sixties but never tried the Comrade's Marathon.


Legendary Member
Morning all :hello:

Shopping in Minehead this morning, then back in the workshop to reassemble the Bantam forks. They felt a bit stiff when I was moving it into the garage yesterday, so I decided to investigate.
Looks like it's had brand new fork stanchions and bushes but put together with no oil.

View attachment 732865

I'd love to know the past history of this bike; it's had loads of new parts thrown at it, but it was all loosely put together - very odd.

I had to change those bushes on my bike.
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