The Retirement Thread

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Good morning all, cloudy but dry. Will do the cleaning then if it’s still dry will get out on the bike for a bit.


Legendary Member
According to the consultant it could also be connected to my two herniated discs and both knees being bone to bone.

Could well be. I was diagnosed with herniated lumbar discs a few years ago plus I’ve had two bad bouts of sciatica which have left permanent weakness/numbness in parts of my legs and feet. My calves also twitch constantly. I don’t want to go down the back surgery route so just put up with it the best I can and take extra care with my back.

I managed to jog 3 loops of the loch amounting to 4.7 miles so happy with that considering.

I met a guy walking wearing a long grey robe so curiosity made me stop to ask what he was there for. He was an Irish priest here with a group on a retreat. He was very nice to talk to.
I'm back - been busy for a few days

yesterday we had major building work going on

at least - that was what it sounded like - we hadn;t planned on any and there were no builder present
but the kids were upstairs and it sounded like the walls were being knocked down

all went quiet - apart from some sobbing - when the middle one got his finger caught in the bathroom door somehow and came downstairs sobbing about the blood and pain and general doom and disaster
not exactly "blood flowing down the street" type blood - but a drop at the top of his finger
which required "magic cream" and a plaster by me after "special washing" by his gran
no idea what on Earth they were up to but it went quiet after than

nothing on today except SWMBO has a phone appointment with the GP

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Cottage pie today. :hungry:
Back from a mostly sunny 30 miles on the bike. Retraced a couple of the tracks we did yesterday on the Ramblers walk, one I never knew was there will be most useful at times on the bike. The other I’d skirted past numerous times with no idea that it provided such a pleasant view, this is now promoted to my list of go to regulars.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Back from a mostly sunny 30 miles on the bike. Retraced a couple of the tracks we did yesterday on the Ramblers walk, one I never knew was there will be most useful at times on the bike. The other I’d skirted past numerous times with no idea that it provided such a pleasant view, this is now promoted to my list of go to regulars.
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