The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I found when I poked them with a stick to do over the fire all the inner leaked out before they were cooked.

Uses less energy and water than a saucepan.

Do not forget I am only a short while into this domestic science, or should I say rocket science.

Yes, it a learning process.
Sue and I were a great team but I worked long hours and she did the bulk of house work. When she died I had to learn a lot of the basics.
BTW....I do my "boiled" eggs in the air frier. No water and 12 minutes on a low heat.


Legendary Member
Oh, forgot today's news :smile:
Cleaner will be here at 10.
Sue's sister and hubby are visiting later. Its the anniversary of Sue's funeral on the 22nd. She wanted her ashes laid with her dad and my daughter has arranged for that to happen. Her sister wants to be there...... personally I don't want to be there but will have to do it.


Legendary Member
Oh, forgot today's news :smile:
Cleaner will be here at 10.
Sue's sister and hubby are visiting later. Its the anniversary of Sue's funeral on the 22nd. She wanted her ashes laid with her dad and my daughter has arranged for that to happen. Her sister wants to be there...... personally I don't want to be there but will have to do it.

Take care pal, it will be tough but just let the tears roll it shows you still love her.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I am thank you.
Still getting my monies worth out of the bog and can't eat anything but the cold and shaking has gone

There are lots of bugs going round at the moment. And colds. Take care. :hugs:


Legendary Member
Morning again. Run done and bath had.

I have lots of pretty badges this month. :laugh:

Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 07.30.49.png


Legendary Member
Nobody knows what you are going through Dave, I am still sobbing my heart out several times a day, just about controlling it most of the time when out, but not always.

I really understand your pain even though grief must be so personal.
I go for a drink with a neighbour once a week. He and his wife were friends of ours. Somehow Sue always gets mentioned and that always starts the tears rolling.
Several people have told me that the pain will never go away.
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