The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Afternoon. Just back from shopping. First time we have had to wear masks. Only 2 people in Morrison's decided they didn't have to. Even 99 per cent of the staff were wearing them so I didn't feel like a complete pillock:laugh:.

Gorgeous day here today:sun::sun:


Been to Homebase first time since the middle of June i think.I needed a pair of gardening gloves.Mrs P has volunteered us to do a bit of gardening at our church offices.So looking at prices i thought Homebase.Well when i got there.I found a sort of bargain tray.£3 for the best gardening gloves i have ever seen.What a bargain down from nearly nine quid.Then i gets home and a mate of mine is in Leeds tomorrow did i fancy a meet up in a cafe,well we have one five mins walk away and he can park on our driveway.What a good day and finally the weather is beautiful.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
You tried sleeping with a window open?
My bathroom is a Jack-and-Jill (-ish) design. Beside my bed is a door to the bathroom which is left open at night and another left open to the hall landing. The bathroom and landing windows are normally left open too. (Naturally, doors get closed when there are guests in the house, and windows get closed in cold weather to retain heat.)

Stuffiness in the bedroom isn't the problem. I just have a dread of struggling with sleep after past years with insomnia. Now that I don't have to get up to go to work I just wait until I am so exhausted that I can no longer stay awake. The trouble is that even though I don't typically don't get up until (say) 10:00-11:00, I would still only have had 5 to 6 hours sleep and often not really restful sleep at that. It is now 1:25 pm and I still feel half asleep!

If I am doing something that requires me to get up early I just get by on a few hours sleep. My regular blood tests are often before 09:00 so I get up at 08:15 for them and try to have a nap after I get back.

I have sometimes gone to sleep at 04:00, got back up at 06:30, left the house at 07:30, travelled an hour and a half to start a forum ride somewhere else, cycled for 11+ hours, travelled an hour and a half home, got back about 22:00, showered and eaten food until 23:00 and STILL not gone back to bed before midnight! It takes total exhaustion or serious illness for me to got bed before midnight. I'm sure that it isn't a healthy thing to do!

I'll try going to bed and getting up a few minutes earlier each day until I am sleeping (say) 01:00 - 07:00. That would be a big improvement in that I would have all the hours of daylight available to me in winter, rather than just the 4 or 5 hours that I often see.


Legendary Member
My god. It's scorchio now :heat:
Just topped 33.7c here :sun:


Well what a wonderful day for a spin out. 55 miles with a very respectable 17.6avg. Rode with a young friend, half my age, and it was great to catch up and natter for the first time in months.

Had an email from British Cycling announcing formal club rides of six or less are now permitted. Going to be interesting!!!

Think I'll have a wander round the forum and see who's stirred up about that.
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pedalling tediously
My bathroom is a Jack-and-Jill (-ish) design. Beside my bed is a door to the bathroom which is left open at night and another left open to the hall landing. The bathroom and landing windows are normally left open too. (Naturally, doors get closed when there are guests in the house, and windows get closed in cold weather to retain heat.)

Stuffiness in the bedroom isn't the problem. I just have a dread of struggling with sleep after past years with insomnia. Now that I don't have to get up to go to work I just wait until I am so exhausted that I can no longer stay awake. The trouble is that even though I don't typically don't get up until (say) 10:00-11:00, I would still only have had 5 to 6 hours sleep and often not really restful sleep at that. It is now 1:25 pm and I still feel half asleep!

If I am doing something that requires me to get up early I just get by on a few hours sleep. My regular blood tests are often before 09:00 so I get up at 08:15 for them and try to have a nap after I get back.

I have sometimes gone to sleep at 04:00, got back up at 06:30, left the house at 07:30, travelled an hour and a half to start a forum ride somewhere else, cycled for 11+ hours, travelled an hour and a half home, got back about 22:00, showered and eaten food until 23:00 and STILL not gone back to bed before midnight! It takes total exhaustion or serious illness for me to got bed before midnight. I'm sure that it isn't a healthy thing to do!

I'll try going to bed and getting up a few minutes earlier each day until I am sleeping (say) 01:00 - 07:00. That would be a big improvement in that I would have all the hours of daylight available to me in winter, rather than just the 4 or 5 hours that I often see.
My Missus drinks chamomile tea each night and keeps well away from PC and mobile screens for a few hours before going to bed. It helps her significantly

Deleted member 1258

I got back from Twycross just after one having ridden 54 miles. A good morning out on the bike, though I seemed to have left my cycling legs at home, I was alright on the way out averaging around 14mph, but the ride home was very slow, I got in with an average of 13.2mph on, I suspect there was a bit more of a breeze than it felt like there was, riding out to places that side of the city can be a bit slow as its a bit lumpy round there. It was a bit fresh when I left the house so I went with summer tights and a long sleeved jersey, I came out of the cafe and it had warmed up a lot and I was very over dressed for the ride home. But it was a lovely morning ot on my bike and very enjoyable.



Ah well no one seems to have spotted the new BC guidance............I'll have to find something else to entertain me this afternoon......:laugh:

I've spent the last month working on how to get official club rides going and BC have provided the last piece for the jigsaw.

I think our guys will be back on the road in 7-10 days. Great news.


Bournemouth used to be in Hampshire before they moved the county border. The three councils of Bournemouth /Christchurch /Poole recently merged, I expect there's a degree of power play occurring behind the scenes.
Bournemouth University was originally Wallisdown Polytechnic which is in Poole, and the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra is based at the Lighthouse Centre in Poole. There's a sign at Poole Railway Station that says " Welcome to Poole, home of Bournemouth University" 😁

The above was meant to be a response to the post by @numbnuts


Legendary Member
Been beavering away in the heat this morning, now having a late lunch of last nights remnants....


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