The Retirement Thread

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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Bonjour. Another day of blue sky but no ride planned after yesterday's hard one. Molly and I will walk to the bank this morning to cancel my Netflix subscription as we hardly ever watch it now. I think Youtube has more to offer and it is free and i am not a big film fan anyway.
Have a good one everyone.:hello:


Legendary Member
Bonjour. Another day of blue sky but no ride planned after yesterday's hard one. Molly and I will walk to the bank this morning to cancel my Netflix subscription as we hardly ever watch it now. I think Youtube has more to offer and it is free and i am not a big film fan anyway.
Have a good one everyone.:hello:
I have a mate that keeps trying to get me into netflix. I keep telling him.... . we really don't watch enough tv to justify it.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Grey start as I took the car down for it's service with a light scotch mist. On the way back notice the coop have a traffic light system now in place for shop entry but the parking is all blocked as the sea front railings are being replaced and the temporary disabled parking bays are full of contractor's pick up trucks. I think I may poke the coop manager gently and tell him I have to go to Oban for shopping as cannot park near his shop. I am in fact going to Oban tomorrow for an ultrasound scan at 1400 but the only ferry I can get on arrives at 1000. Plenty time for shopping. Trouble is the only one back means I have to leave the hospital by 1440 so hope they are not running late.
Weather picking up a bit now but need to get some stuff in an overnight bag in case I get stuck in Oban.


If 6 Was 9
Looks like we're in for a cracking hot day today.
Bit of shopping for essential supplies first thing, then off for a walk around East Harptree woods - should be a bit cooler in there - followed by a spot of lunch.
Digging the Cadac out for a BBQ tonight.

Edited to add:
Looks like the keyboard issue has finally been resolved on this forum when posting from my phone. :okay:


Legendary Member
Last thought. I have religiously used the C-19 Covid Symptoms app every day to report my lack of symptoms. I feel it a tiny but important contribution. Anyone else using it?

All I ever get is to report "I've never had a test" and "I feel physically normal." On Fridays it gets quite exciting when they ask if I've been out and do I wear a mask?

I gather women get slightly different questions. Girls??

I've a friend who's had two tests. Both negative. She says it's pretty unpleasant. Her first was self-administered and made her gag. The second was assisted. Apparently it involves pushing a cotton bud as far up one's nose as possible and twirling it round for 10 seconds. xx(xx(
Err I’m just eating my Weetabix I am imagining a swab covered in bogeys 🤢🤮🤢🤮


Good morning fellow retirees,

Just back from a 5k run along the Prom with Mrs Tenkay. I really had to work hard to keep up🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
Need to shed a few kg, the diet starts next week 😉
Have a lovely peaceful day folks 🏃‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚶‍♀️🏊‍♂️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Leg End Member
Hmmmm. The tomatoes look very good but clearly they aren't cherry tomatoes. Mistakes can be made on the nursey but my guess would be the grower was short of cherry tomato plants and so substituted with another type but labelled them as cherry. Very naughty but I know it happens. The vast majority of consumers won't complain and so the grower gets away with it.

They will ripen. Tomatoes begin to ripen when the green fruit is fully mature. Once matured the fruit produces ethylene which triggers the ripening process. It's a natural process and virtually impossible for an amateur to speed up. In your position you could move the plant indoors to the conservatory. Ethylene, it's harmless, will build up in the conservatory and less likely to get blown away by wind.

Your pepper appears to be a Jalapeno pepper. This is a sweet pepper but it's long and relatively thin. I'm sure you were expecting a sweet bell pepper - the sort sold in supermarkets. Again it's naughty but this is what the label says - a sweet pepper.

Your plants look very strong and healthy. Congratulations, pleased to see this.
Wasn't it used as an anesthetic, to put you to sleep!

Edited for formatting correction
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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Wasn't it used as an anesthetic, to put you sleep!

I am still in my alternate sleeping universe... It is almost like it was when I worked a night shift for a year. I have been awake for an hour but have only just stopped feeling groggy.

I must make more of an effort to sort my sleep out because soon I will be missing out on half of the available hours of daylight and that will be really depressing! It isn't so bad while I can still get an evening ride in but I am already needing lights for the return leg and it is dark 30 minutes later.


Leg End Member

I am still in my alternate sleeping universe... It is almost like it was when I worked a night shift for a year. I have been awake for an hour but have only just stopped feeling groggy.

I must make more of an effort to sort my sleep out because soon I will be missing out on half of the available hours of daylight and that will be really depressing! It isn't so bad while I can still get an evening ride in but I am already needing lights for the return leg and it is dark 30 minutes later.
You tried sleeping with a window open?


Leg End Member
Last thought. I have religiously used the C-19 Covid Symptoms app every day to report my lack of symptoms. I feel it a tiny but important contribution. Anyone else using it?

All I ever get is to report "I've never had a test" and "I feel physically normal." On Fridays it gets quite exciting when they ask if I've been out and do I wear a mask?

I gather women get slightly different questions. Girls??

I've a friend who's had two tests. Both negative. She says it's pretty unpleasant. Her first was self-administered and made her gag. The second was assisted. Apparently it involves pushing a cotton bud as far up one's nose as possible and twirling it round for 10 seconds. xx(xx(
Think of a cotton bud where more than half of it disappears inside the nose, tha nos, to be done correctly.
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