The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Morning all... Treated myself to a well deserved lie in. Up at 9, showered and now raring to go again. Looks like we're in for a couple of days scorchio :wahhey:


Legendary Member
Well the heating came on using the timer and reached the correct temperature, checked this by bringing the outdoor thermometer indoors last night. See brains? I've now reduced the temperature to 17C and changed the timings so as to just warm the house a little in the morning and evening..........................lets see how long I can get away with that!!!!!

A friend messaged around 8.00 suggesting a ride. Good job as I was getting ready to vegetate all day. Catch you all later as the wheels need to turn.

Chorley Paul says hello to Mrs Dave7 :hello:

How are the toms doing @Dave7
MrsD sends you her best.
Re the toms. They were sold as Cherry but are anything but. Lots of fruit of various sizes but still decidedly green.
Similar with the sweet peppers.



Set aside 30 minutes twice a week for speed work Mo. Ten minute warm up followed by six x one minute accelerations with 30 second warm down between efforts, followed by a ten minute warm down.
Allow about six weeks before you suddenly notice that your base speed has improved for the same effort. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

I’m exhausted just reading this advice!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Autumn has arrived with a vengeance. Heavy rain and since my neighbour has taken his flagpole down heavy wind as well. I hope the swallows I saw the other day get away. There should be a gradual improvement over the next few days so they may be ok to get off then without too much head wind.
Rest and be Thankful got another big landslide just as they finished fixing the last one. I seem to remember that the hillside above was covered in trees but since they were felled there have been continual problems.
The A82 seems to be comprehensively flooded as well around Fort William area and also further south.
I have to look for some old photos which are stored in a cupboard which is blocked off with all sorts of stuff so some hard work ahead. I have hundreds of transparencies which must go back to whenever these became possible but sorting that lot is a problem since my filing system got into disarray years ago.


Leg End Member
No I've been up since 07:00 been doing chores :smile:
Washing machine on that early?


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Salut tout le monde! Didn't have a good night sleep last night because our grandson stayed overnight with us and , unknown to me, he played a joke but having his alarm clock set off at 2 am. :cursing:
I must add he wasn't sleeping in our room so it didn't affect him. It took me a couple of hours to get back to sleep. When he got up this morning, he was straight into our room with a big smile on his face and asking if it worked .:eek:
Anyway, I got up at 8.30 and finally did my 34 miles to LLanrwst, most of it against the wind. I was absolutely knackered when I got back but still managed 13.5 mph average. I also got overtaken by three ladies who kept chatting away when I was panting on the slopes. To my defence, they were all much younger and must have had better gearing on their bikes. :whistle:
I enjoyed the ride though and watching the TdF now.
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